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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Meanwhile inside my mind: I'm so sorry for this.
  2. Do not: A: Let the Magic Boulder come into contact with space-time. B: Let Jim Kirk look at it. C: Have it do a silly dance. D: Let the Annoying Dog absorb it. E: Make a thread about it. F: Post on that thread. G: Read this post. You just did it, didn't you. God have mercy on your soul.
  3. Shields up, Sulu! Red alert! I fire Red Matter at your face at point-blank range.
  4. Granted. but it always lands on F 4 you! I wish for...wait, what's that ticking sou-BOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!
  5. WE DO NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME! (Sorry man, I'll vote for RIC too. It'll be a collective win!) @Red Iron Crown.
  6. 1/10 You a lurker? Also, *GASP* It's MURDER!
  7. PB666. You claim to be a the universe's piehole. The universe doesn't have a piehole. Your lying because your actually at Illuminati HQ. 1/3 Your username suggests your demonic. You follow a cult. The Illuminati started as a cult. 2/3 Your made of yarn. Your from the yarniverse. No mere mortal has the power to travel from one universe to the next. You are no mere mortal. You are all-seeing. The Illuminati is all seeing. 3/3 I can definitively say that you, @PB666, for the Forum record, are the finest example of ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED.
  8. Did someone say NASA memes?! No? Okay. I call upon ... @Dogenutt!
  9. I volunteer as tribute! (Stay back, BottomHeavy11.)
  10. dafuq/D:> My nightmares have been realized! Behold, the Saturn Shuttle! The most epic thing never to be created!
  11. Sorry, I don't speak Yoda. Waiter! My soup is evolving!
  12. You ordered a salad. Waiter! My soup is becoming interested in extraterrestrials and exoplanets!
  13. 5/10 Hey, man. I'm no lurker. I've...just been inactive for a while.
  14. Bold font? Illuminati CONFIRMED!!
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