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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Here! *points booster at CleverJeb and ignites*
  2. K, I'm in! Ground Solider all the way!
  3. Then YOU answer! Sunglare vs Driving.
  4. It wasn't that effective... Pew pew pew BHWAAAAAAA...
  5. You have the wrong number. Y u no hit the dance floor?
  6. Question, would BD Armory be allowed?
  7. Conspiracy Kennu actually works for the government to try and ridicule theories by creating crazy ones. ILLUMINATI! THEY ARE TO TAKE CONTROL! LISTEN CLOSELY...zzzzgzgzzz...I'm sorry, what was I saying?
  8. Dahek/????? My obscure reference sense is tingling. I erase the universe and existence as whole in the form of an irreversible Big Crunch that causes excruciating pain on contact with the event horizon.
  9. No wish, no grants! I wish that @PB666 would be even MORE sarcastic.
  10. 5/10 Off balance COM, bulky, dangerously un-maneuverable in a crowded environment, I could go on and on, I'll spare you and get to the good point; it looks like the SHEILD helicarrier and a Star Destroyer shipped. If it doesn't show up, it's Thunderbird 17 from the Thunderbirds 2086 anime. Look it up! Edit: AAHHH! Darn it!
  11. Granted, but the Annoying Dog absorbed your post. I wish that I could think up new references.
  12. If Dres is a potatoe, than Kerbals are flecks of dust! If Dres is a potatoe, than Kerbals are flecks of dust!
  13. Granted. You now suffer from airophobia (a fear of air.) I wish HHHHEEEEEEEEEEERRRRR.
  14. A hammer? This stuff can stop a SHOTGUN at POINT-BLANK RANGE!
  15. Is it a good.exe? Waiter! My soup is creating a paradodododododododododddddddddddoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxxx xx xxx x xx xx x x .
  16. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/dawn/ceresvesta/index.html This shows pictures of Vesta and Ceres. You'll see the similarities.
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