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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. 1/10 only for art. It's not effective.
  2. That's not soup. That's salad. Watier! Eve is in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my soup.
  3. strange_thing_by_tedwin_knockman66-da7pc

    The Undertale is real. I see a SOUL, Papyrus, a kerbal head, something that looks like a hairy heart, the XBox symbol being worshiped, and the Star Shaker I. Tell me if I got them right!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TopHeavy11


      An ominous shadow?

      Also, is this your challenge submission or is this just an awesome piece of art?

    3. TedwinKnockman66


      awesome piece of art

    4. TopHeavy11


      Kay. How's that coming BTW?

  4. Killed over and over and over by this absolute nightmarish monstrosity.
  5. Corrupts universe and sends on a sub-orbital trajectory directly on the VAB. Time for nightmares!
  6. That's just an ice cube. Waiter. There seems to be a determined amalgamation in my soup! And it's frothing!! EWWW!!!
  7. Why thank you! 8/10 I see you around quite a lot, actually.
  8. Yeah, I see you in some threads.
  9. Because their that new model of micro-car. Why is my common sense tingling?
  10. Granted. It's made entirely of dank memes: UBER strength. I wish for no wish inside of 42.
  11. By eating dank memes. How to speak Europan. Not European, Europan, as in the jovian moon.
  12. 4/10 I used to see you around a lot more. Are you in hiding or something?
  13. Caring about proteins? CHEATER alert!
  14. Granted. It's suicide. I wish that @T-Bouw knew what wishing wish he wishingly wished for.
  15. No, that's your colon(s). Waiter! Your fired! That's right, I'm your boss in disguise! Tell the cook he's fired too!
  16. Granted. They drop leaves on your property, not you propertah. I wish Spock.
  17. Wish granted, but it is the grim but imminent fate of humanity. I wish thattaht hsiw I.
  18. I don't see a REKT in your soup! lol Waiter! Thyroid ATTACK!!
  19. 1/10 done before, you copycat! I deliberatly kill Jeb.
  20. Your chantizing not cheating? ChEaTeR! Trek urslf b4 u rek urslf.
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