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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Hi! Where's the registration booth? I want to join.
  2. *sighs* Whatev. -10 [+]. Hey! Your breaking rule number 1! Edit you post @Vysionone!
  3. Shield, up! I summon the entirety of the Dalek armada to eliminate humanity, and prevent the Doctor from coming by breaking the TARDIS beyond repair.
  4. Gnome child has a hat. The hat has 3 sides. A triangle has 3 sides. The Illuminati is a triangle. Gauga159 = Illuminati confirmed!
  5. I live in peace with the cutey cat. I become a god and smite you all.
  6. 9/10 hOI! (FINALLY! An UNDERTALE pun that wasn't from me!)
  7. Star Rek: Beyond: Someone manages to rek someone from beyond the Sun.
  8. What happens when HE plays THIS GAME. The Earth splits due to the pure intensity and volume of curses.
  9. No, that's just the balls we put in your soup to make you trip and see a group of people swimming in your soup, so we could give you this explanation. Waiter! You gave me soup!I ordered spaghetti!
  10. Granted, but baldness is punished by imprisonment for 20 lives via reviving medicine. I wish for a perfect, eternal, INCORRUPTIBLE to the INFINITE power, world.
  11. 8/10 Hand-drawn! (BTW I got a new avatar y'all liek?)
  12. 1/10 It's just a game, man... I make memes a reality...but only the bad ones!
  13. I'll have results as late as the end of the week and as early as tommorow.
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