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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. 1/10 people are on electronics too much anyway. This will discourage electronic use...I take it back! 9999999999999999/10!! Hell for all.
  2. That's easy. Spell s-l-e-e-p. In that order. What are thyroids?
  3. Chara mod. Under no circumstances should you even view this mod, or utter destruction of anything and everything (wish a 50% chance of jump-scare) will ensure.
  4. You know what, this is pointless. All you have to do is look a the wiki. Dres is there. If the developers remove Dres, it's no longer real. Until this, Dres is REAL. To end this senselessness in the game sub-forum, I summon @Red Iron Crown to move and/or delete this thread!
  5. Sir, that's your bread roll...(We get all the crazies.) Waiter! Oops, sorry. I thought you were a waiter! Heh heh... (.) _ (.)
  6. Jet fuel actually CAN melt dank memes!
  7. Yeah. But you ate it already. Waiter! I'm 10 pentillion parsecs away from my soup!
  8. God, please let yes be the answer! Why must the rice grow?
  9. 0.00000000000001/10 I have NEVER seen you. (lol this is wrong thread just realized .)
  10. Imma say no. My over-my-head-reference sense is tingling. Push button to send tem to colleg.
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