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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Sorry, I don't speak Pig Atlantian. Waiter! Your made of yarn! Quickly! Clean up my spilled soup with your body!!
  2. I can say for certain that Dres is indeed real. The truth lies on the other side of the 4th Wall. Go to the KSP wiki. Dres is registered, and with exact measurements, which, I assure you, are NOT the same as the Mun's. If you still have doubts, it is literally based on Ceres, a very real celestial object. PROOF.
  3. Nothing cracks THIS crab!! https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwjQ7ofisd_NAhXDdiYKHVLaDNgQjB0IBg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsirhanselot.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FLobster-Kaiju-410080991&psig=AFQjCNHzHmc4jFBFQ5E36PSYfH0zXJYjGQ&ust=1467913384265595 (Yes, it's long, I know.)
  4. I say wait until James T. Kirk is born. But yes. Just make sure we get some allies first! Like the Vulcans! If button is pressed, you are carrying too much dog. If button isn't pressed, the world is erased by demonic stats.
  5. To Wonderland. If nagging housewives are energy absorbant, can they extinguish the sun?
  6. You sure it's not a jolly giant? Waiter! Stop urinating plant material into my previously edible soup! I demand a refund!!
  7. Granted. It blows away right before the brunt of the storm...on the plains. I wish I could... *Stay Determined.
  8. NOT! I don't want to go through those fresh again! If you press the button, there is a 60% chance for the events of Independence Day (and sequels) to occur, and a 40% chance for the events of the 5th Wave (and sequels) to occur.
  9. Granted. It will be available in KSP 10.0. I wish for misspelling to be eliminated.
  10. Granted. It's requirements are too much for ANY computer, rendering the game UN-playable. I wish that KSP 2.0 would be released in the next 10 seconds of reading this.
  11. Granted it is INSERT DISTOPIAN NOVEL TITLE HERE came true. I wish that the person who grants my wish will live The Shining.
  12. Not having a legible name?! UBER CHEATER!
  13. 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001/10 See you so rarely I almost don't see you at all.
  14. It's a tie! Undertale vs. RPG stereotypes.
  15. Posting? Your a dirty hacker, aren't you?
  16. Wish granted. But it's private. I wish that I WOULDN'T have a bad time.
  17. At least it's not for Undertale! Waiter! Toby Fox is drinking my soup!
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