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Everything posted by Esquire42

  1. I'd like to do a probe landing on Tekto and one on Putto using NFT parts. Doesn't need to be one launch, but that would be cool. Problem is I'm much better at designing BD Armory stuff than building a spacecraft with the required dV and resources needed for this. I'm pretty fine with using maneuver nodes, I just need help with the craft design itself. Would anyone be willing to assist me with this?
  2. Tried installing and reinstalling this mod and still can't get it to work. Is there some directory trickery?
  3. Oddly now with DTL working properly it doesn't crash as much when I revert. I get maybe one or two before it does. So I'm thinking it might be a memory leak after all. I'll look to see if Kerbal Engineer pushed an update yet. Hyperedit is a necessity right now.
  4. Let's try this one instead. I couldn't find the path you said but... https://www.dropbox.com/s/3edhnsjlm41kqqv/Log.rtf?dl=0
  5. Technical Specs 15" Retina MacBook Pro OS X 10.11.2 El Capitan Intel i7 2.0 GHz 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM Intel Iris Pro Graphics 1536 MB Mods Active Texture Mangement Adjustable Landing Gear Asteroid Day B9 Aerospace BahaSP BDMk22 Crossfeed Enabler Dynamic Texture Loader KJR Kerbal Engineer Hyperedit Interstellar Extended MechJeb Mk1 Cargo Bay Mk2 Expansion Mk3 Expansion Mk3 Hypersonic Mk4 System Near Future Technologies (all) Outer Planets Mod OPT Aerospace Other Worlds Procedural Dynamics Trans-Keptunian TweakScale USI Standalone Warp Drive Vessel Mover Issue If I revert to launch the game crashes to desktop. Memory usage does not exceed 2.55 GB during this time so I don't think it's a memory leak issue. I have a more "fun" separate install on the same computer and it does not do this either. Steps to Replicate Load any craft, attempt to revert to launch or VAB/SPH, game crashes to desktop Log File https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixma51opza9nt5l/Player%20log.txt?dl=0
  6. So it turns out one of the million other mods that I have installed had some version of Firesplitter that was old. Everything works now. If I only I can get Tweakscale to work with all my modded parts... And thank you, I plan on actually doing things here and not just complaining about mods
  7. So slight problem that's annoying enough to make me create an account. I cannot seem to get fuel switching to work on any fuselages. Worked fine a couple days ago, installed a few more mods and now it doesn't. MM says that Firesplitter is outdated but I've manually updated it in the GameData folder and other extraneous folders where the file is located.
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