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Posts posted by IgorZ

  1. On 12/29/2023 at 11:05 PM, Tokamak said:

    The physics isn't treating it as one vessel, which is how I thought it was supposed to work.

    It seems so to you, but under the hood there is a lot of logic, which takes into account the vessel as whole and each part in particular. KSP has extra logic around the normal Unity physics to remove physics simulation side effects. It's one reason why KSP2 had so many negative feedback at the start: they assumed Unity will do all the work for them, but nope - it won't.

    If you constantly see the issue, try swapping the RTS and JS parts. When doing the docking, the game has a thing: "the dominant vessel". I tried to address it in the RTS part, but who knows.

    Btw, did you try to use TJ-2 part? Physics wise, it's basically the same as RTS.

  2. On 12/21/2023 at 1:41 PM, Tokamak said:

    This mod is amazing, and adds what really should have been core functionality all along.

    I am however having weird behavior. When I connect my lander to my base (on Duna) with the resource transfer station and socket, things work fine until I activate "docked" mode. (I'm doing this so I can transfer kerbals within one craft, instead of having to eva 24 kerbals one by one as I rotate the 12-person crew)

    Once "docked" mode is enabled, the lander, which was fine before, starts drifting, rather quickly, away from the base. I wouldn't have thought this possible since as far as I understood it the two craft were supposed to be one, when docked.

    Since I have MKS installed, I tried using the "ground anchor" feature on the landing legs, but that just causes the lander to start moving around wildly and tip over, so that's even worse. This whole time, the base is fine, and motionless.

    Is there something else I should be doing to stop this happening? I have problems like this a lot with KAS in docked mode.

    In the docked mode, the physics is applied differently. Even though it appears as two vessels to you, from the game's perspective there is only one long vessel with shifted center of gravity. Try placing your lander at different positions around the station. Also, there can be other mods that add extra physics on the vessels (like struts reinforcement) that can cause side effects.

  3. On 12/4/2023 at 10:52 PM, ctbram said:

    Missing "pitch angle" option on mk1 and mk2 illuminators.

    I  cannot change the angle of the mk1 and mk2 illuminators.  There is no "deploy" range or angle or whatever option for the lights.  I have advanced tweakables on. I am running 1.12.3 with minimal mods. Has anyone else seen this behavior?  Can anyone please help me to fix it?   It is frustrating to have to simply rotate the entire assembly and looks super Janky

    I just checked and I have another install with over 177 mods!!! All the same mods in my base game plus 150 more! There is an option on the mk1 and mk2 illuminators in that build called "pitch angle" and I can angle the lights.

    Why would my stock build with surface lights mod and advanced tweakables NOT have that option?

    I made this to show why I am confused.  I have two builds 1.12.3 one with 177 mods and the pitch angle option is there and another 1.12.3 with only 15 mods, all of which are in the 177 mod build yet NONE of the four illuminators have the pitch angle option. yes, advanced tweakables is enabled!


    note: This may be a clue.  I just noticed looking at my pics.  The illuminators that pivot are named I-1 and I-2 Illuminators and the ones that do not are illuminators mk1 and mk2???

    maybe I have another mod in the build with 177 mods that add the I-1 and I-2 illuminators?   Does anyone know what it could be?

    Another note: I do not see the "deploy limit" option in either the i-1 i-2 or mk1 and mk2 versions I have have?:?


    In the stock game, Mk1 & Mk2 lights are not configured for the pitch changing. IIRC, there is a mod that improves models of many parts, including the lights. There, the pitch is enabled.

    The SurfaceLights mod doesn't deal with this behavior.

  4. On 6/22/2023 at 6:41 PM, DaveLChgo said:

    Has anyone else experience the whole vessle blowing up when attaching an RTS-1 to the outside?

    Not connect the hose or anything just bolting on the RTS-1 with the engineer and his powerdriver.

    This is definitely an unexpected behavior, but Kraken can wake up at any moment in KSP. Can you reproduce this problem at launchpad on a clear game with the stock parts?

  5. On 3/9/2023 at 3:24 PM, Mitokandria said:

    Was there ever a fix for this? I've experienced this my entire time with KIS (3 years now), but I'm only now finding out it it's not supposed to stutter like that.

    I did several attempt to nail it, but haven't found an obvious reason. In fact, on my system in a clear game it's not repeatable at all. Only happens on some old saves. Sad to hear it's hitting you so bad, but tbh I have a long list of more priority stuff to do (e.g. KIS v2 that stuck in alpha with 4 months overdue).

    On 5/5/2023 at 12:48 PM, Alexsys said:


    Mister Dev,it seems that the Eva fuel canisters don't refill the kerbals' monopropellent.

    is the console msg


    Thanks for the report, I've created an issue. It seems the eva propellant resource has been deprecated in the recent releases. Tbh, this part will not be present in the future version of KIS (v2), the stock one will replace it.

    On 6/6/2023 at 3:21 PM, Sampa said:

    Hello.  First off, absolutely love this mod.  I use it actively in all my installs of ksp1.  I do have a question, why did you change the look of the containers?

    My above question is not a complaint.  Being asked from a standpoint of curiosity. 

    What containers exactly do you mean and what's the change? There are stock containers that work with the stock inventory system, and there are original KIS containers that didn't change in the last 5 years or so. However, other mod developers can create their own part and make them KIS inventories.

  6. 17 hours ago, suicidejunkie said:

    I got it reproduced.

    1) Have a set of surface attached parts on a main body.

    2) Connect resource transfer station to a connection port on one of those surface attached parts

    3) Switch to Docked mode

    (At this point quicksave shows the tanks are srfAttach, 157, 157 and 152; I presume that's the main body (EL survey station) and the hose connector leading to the mining base root node respectively)

    4) Grab the connector with a Kerbal

    (Now quicksave shows the tanks have srfAttach numbers of  0, 0 and -1, and the fuel flow treats that tank and its attached children as a separate vehicle)


    I don't see any log files, but I deleted them before making the attempt, to try and narrow things down.  I guess I'd need to restart to get the logs flowing again.


    Thanks! I've created an issue. Will follow up on it when have time (not much of it last months).

  7. 1 hour ago, cafelate said:

    however,  type D asteroids  occasionally rotates the harpoon around the entry point and  all the harpoon that enters type e rotates on the surface.

    Can you provide screenshots? Not sure if I understand what exactly happens and how bad it is.

    1 hour ago, cafelate said:

    No matter what angle it is ejection,  there is no message about the angle in logs. after 6 seconds    "hasn't hit anything " in logs. 

    Can yopu reproduce it on Kerbin at launchpad or runaway? Please, provide a screenshot or may be a small video.

    1 hour ago, cafelate said:

    about attach to part : There is also no angle message 

    In the game settings enable "verbose logging", then re-try. In the verbose mode dart always reports the outcome of the hit. Note that harpoon doesn't attach to parts by design, but you can change it via the part config.

    1 hour ago, cafelate said:

    by the way ,your cat looks cute

    Thanks :) 

  8. 7 hours ago, cafelate said:

    Thank you for your answer  

    But I cannot find the parameter for" maxHitAngle "in KAS\Parts\Harpoon\part.cfg  

    Each parameter has a default value. If it's not lsited in CFG, then it will be dfeault. Just add a mising parameter and you'll be good. In this case it's module "KASModuleDart".

    You may alos find useful the debug abilities of KAS. Find file "KAS/settings.cfg" and change setting "partAlignToolKey" to a hot key (e.g. "&L" which is "Alt+L"). This way you'll be able to adjust parts values in the game time (not persisted though).

  9. 20 hours ago, cafelate said:

    Thank you for the update that allowed me to use Harpoon again

    I really like Harpoon, which allows me to stably land on the surface of a low gravity satellite

    However, in use, there may be difficulties in connecting the surface due to insertion angle or speed

    Is there any way to adjust in the cfg file

    Try playing with "maxHitAngle". It's 45 degrees by default.

  10. 18 hours ago, suicidejunkie said:

    I've got a strange issue, running 1.12.5

    I've got Bill up in orbit with a screwdriver, and he's trying to bolt on some pipe connectors to a mun-destined craft, but it initially would only let me drop, not srfattach despite pressing x or h.  I could snap the part in hand to nodes, but not actually attach only drop in place.

    I tried grabbing a tail fin off my refuel ship, and was able to place it back OK.

    Then I went to try and put the connector on the mun craft, and this time it beeped an onscreen error at me saying 'tool required'.

    I tried grabbing a rover wheel off the mun craft, and put it back just fine, then I was able to put the pipe connector on the mun ship.

    I did eventually get the fuel across, but it sorta seems like I need to pull a part off of a specific craft before I can put things onto it at the moment??

    I didn't have any trouble with the wrench when I was building comms relay stations on Kerbin's mountains earlier; not sure what the difference might be, but in that case it was a single stayputnik getting a DP-10, batteries and some solar panels wrenched on from inventory.  This is the first time I'm using the screwdriver this game and things are wacky in orbit.



    Found this in the logs.  Really don't understand how I managed to finagle it to work at all given the messages:


    Definitley looks like a problem. Thanlks fop the log, it helps. I've created a bug.

  11. KSP2 doesn't provide a convenient tool to access game's logs. Moreover, many events are filtered out even in the existing file log. This mod creates an in-game console as well as provides better features on persisting the logs.

    By default the new console is activated by pressing the Back Quote key, but it can be changed in the settings file.


    • A full screen window mode improves visibility.
    • An advanced system of logs filtering. You can blacklist the sources you don't want to see the logs from.
    • The stack trace for any log record allows you figuring out the source module.
    • Each log record has a "source" label, a short version of the full stack trace that says where this record came from (basically, the full method name).
    • The log records have a timestamp which helps in the retrospective analysis of the events.
    • The ability to save the logs into files for even better retrospective analysis. The logs don't get overwritten on game restart.
    • A quick filter can be applied to see the logs of the specific types only: INFO, WARNING, ERROR or EXCEPTION.
    • A quick filter by source, which is every handy when you need to see events from just one particular mod.
    • A pause mode to freeze the view when the logs records are added too fast.
    • Two special modes for handling the high frequency logs (e.g. when logging from Update() method). In Condensed and Smart modes multiple repeated records are collapsed into just one line.
    • The console settings can be adjusted via settings.json file.



  12. 57 minutes ago, Jasseji said:

    If everyone has to install Unity to even consider getting into modding, then it's maybe "(pro) modder friendly" but not "start with modding - friendly"

    Unity related work is certainly not a way to go. The Unity framework is great as it is, and I like it a lot. However, the entering level for it is a way too high. Most people would choose to give up. And those who left will unlikely be able to do the creative part of the work like models and parts.

  13. 1 hour ago, Jasseji said:

    it very much seems that point 3. is the biggest hurdle and might kill a big part of the Modding community

    That's my point too. It's absolutely OK to keep parts (or whatever else resource in the game) in Unity bundles as long as there is an easy way to adjust them. If there is no such a way, then the game is not "modders friendly". Period. However, it doesn't mean the game cannot be modded at all.

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