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Posts posted by IgorZ

  1. @BTAxis RTS part only works when the vessels are separate. Based on the screenshot, your vessels are docked via a klaw that makes them one vessel. It effectively disables the RTS function. Using RTS to overcome the stock game's "obey crossfeed" setting may be considered as a feature request. However, at this point it's not supported. You cannot pump fuel between different parts of the same vessel using RTS part.

  2. 13 hours ago, Michel Bartolone said:

    Does anyone know of a way to transfer certain items between the differing types of inventory? For example, I can get the electric screw driver into both types of inventory in the VAB, but if I only put it in one of the two, and put it in the wrong one, I can no longer put it in the kerbonaut's inventory in a way that allows him to equip it...


    The only working solution is drop the item from one inventory, and then pick it up from the other. E.g. if you've put the screwdriver into the stock inventory, you need to use the stock functionality to remove it from there and put on the ground. Then, you'll be able to pickup the item using native KIS functionality. However, here is  trick: only an engineer can drop items from the stock inventory. So, if you have not any in your team, then it's a dead-end.

    There is another way: install KISv2 Apha3 :)  It allows dropping parts from the stock inventory to any kerbal. Alpha3 has a compatible mode for the carrier games.



    New features to this build

    1. Supported dragging parts between inventory and scene. To grab a part from scene press and hold key "J", then hove over the part.
    2. Added compatibility mode that automatically turns on when loading science or carrier game. In this mode the KIS inventory works exactly the same way as the stock inventory, fully respecting all stock limitations. In this mode it's safe to use KIS2-alpha3 in the carrier games.


  4. On 1/24/2022 at 6:35 PM, vbnz said:

    Hello. Please excuse me, I'm new to this forum. It took me a lot of work to deal with the problem of your mod, but I was able to understand what the error was.
    Only one of your mods is installed on a fresh game 1.12.3
    in the log it [ERR 03:17:36.697] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KSPDev_Utils.2.6, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    this post helped  Fix "ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly" errors in log by mwerle · Pull Request #357 · S-C-A-N/SCANsat · GitHub   

    @linuxgurugamer said an alternative way to fix this issue is to ensure that the dependant mod has a higher filename (eg, rename it to "+SCANsat.Unity.dll") to ensure it gets loaded first; not sure if that might cause other issues. Seemed a bit of a hack which is why I investigated the "proper" solution.

    if you change the name to +KSPDev_Utils.2.6.dll everything works fine


    This log record may or may NOT indicate a real problem. It sounds weird, but this is how this code works. Here you need to know  if you have a real problem in the game. If your KIS is installed properly, then you should not have any issues, even though there is the error record in the logs.


    This error happens due to `KSPDev_Utils` DLL is version dependent, and the addon binder expects the DLL name to match exactly to the namespace (no version suffix). There are cases when it's a problem, but with the versioned DLLs (like KSPDev_Utils), it's not.

  5. 14 hours ago, adriangm44 said:

    And yes, I know the winch doesn’t dock until it’s fully retracted. I meant dock the winch to the port, the little valve part with yellow&black strips.

    I think I get it now. Are you looking for a feature to "pre-attach" the winch connector in the editor with the cable deployed? If yes then, this feature is unlikely to be made anytime soon. I considered it once, but implementation complications made me give up. With KISv2 being developed (and I'm already well behind the schedule) I don't think I could invest into this feature.

    Btw, to not confuse terms, let's name the attaching cable to the JS-1 part as "attach" or "plug". The "dock" term is used by the KAS parts to indicate that the connected parts become one vessel (from the game's perspective). There are parts that support both modes: "just connect" and "connect and dock". That's why I got confused.

  6. 49 minutes ago, Texxter said:

    I really appreciate this mod,  thank you very much.

    I am playing an ongoing career mode game that has been running for several years.  Just wondering if it is expected the existing KIS parts will transition to version 2 when it is released?

    Some of them will, but some of them may not. I will do my best to keep the backwards compatibility, but it may not be feasible under some circumstances. Let's wait till at least Beta1.

  7. 8 hours ago, Michel Bartolone said:

    As for your claim that if you install via CKAN there there can't be a relationship...that is a false claim.

    By no relation I meant KIS as a root case (e.g. if the game was broken due to incorrect manual setup). Indeed in your case upgrading KIS was a trigger of the problem. However, I tend to think it's not KIS that made the trouble, it's the upgrade itself (as an action) that caused troubles. Module manager rebuilds its database on every new mod installed, and this time something went wrong. And you mentioned that after KIS removal you still had the problem with the game. Try reinstalling MM (ensure the caches are dropped) and then add KIS again. If you get the problem again, please share the log.

  8. 1 hour ago, Michel Bartolone said:

    During startup, ModuleManger is looking for MiniAVC-V2.dll. Something is renaming that file to MiniAVC-V2.dll.pruned

    Afaik, ZeroMiniAVC does the renaming. However, absence of this module should not affect the main mod behavior.

    How do you install KIS? If you do it via CKAN, then there can be no relation between KIS upgrade and the issue you've observed. If you install manually, ensure that ModuleManager from the KIS package matches your KSP version.

  9. 1.29 (January 4th, 2022):

    • [Enhancement] Support game's UI scale in all dialogs.
    • [Enhancement] Reduce the EVA canister dry mass to 1kg.
    • [Fix] Total mass is not adjusted when fuel is expended from the EVA tank.
    • [Fix] Recalculate the resources mass on load to fix wrong state of the EVA tank.
    • [Fix #394] Refuel tank throws error on refuel action.

    Fun facts:

    • Today is almost a round anniversary since the v1.28 release.
    • The mod has born 7 years ago. And it's still alive.
    • Fixing #394 was a real challenge and took 3 days to get solved. However, the time was not wasted - the experience gained will be used in KISv2.
  10. 4 hours ago, Entropian said:

    @IgorZ I'm having the same problem on KSP 1.10.1 (I saw the title, apologies if this is a version-specific problem) with KAS installed via CKAN.  I have a ton of other mods installed, but RO is not one of them.  The end of the KSP.log has this exception which I think is holding up the loading process:

      Hide contents

    [LOG 17:37:57.903] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Squad/Parts/Prebuilt/kerbalEVA/kerbalEVA'
    [EXC 17:37:57.922] MissingFieldException: Field 'GameEvents.OnEVAConstructionModePartAttached' not found.
        KAS.KASLinkTargetKerbal.OnAwake () (at <cee0c0e3a438426081fba73b037b7ef8>:0)
        PartModule.Awake () (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0)
        Part.AddModule (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean forceAwake) (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0)
        PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext () (at <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    I checked and reinstalled MM, but the problem persists.

    I'm not sure which KAS version you are using, but given the error, I guess it's the latest one (v1.10). KAS v1.10 is not compatible with KSP 1.10.

  11. On 12/23/2021 at 5:47 PM, rudemario said:

    I was wondering if you ever figured out what was causing this delay I mentioned back in May?

    I didn't have a chance to investigate it at that time. Now, I'm focused on KISv2, which is a total code rewriting, so fixing non critical bugs in the old code is not rational.

    On 12/24/2021 at 5:23 AM, darthgently said:

    I know this has been addressed in the past, but things may have changed.  I have many KIS EVA propellant tanks in various inventories and am wondering if they have functionality now or should I ditch them?

    They are supposed to be functional, but there is a bug https://github.com/ihsoft/KIS/issues/394. Thanks for refreshing my memory on it. I'll make a quick fix for it once I'm back from the vacation.

  12. 12 hours ago, flart said:

    Doesn't it out of scope of this mod, because same infinite tumbleweed effect could be found in the stock with casual decouple & explosions ?

    The  "tumbleweed effect" is indeed out of scope. The main issue is static attach of the parts. It can be a known stock issue too. If so, then I'll skip it, but at this point I believe there is something to be done from KIS to let the game know the part was moved and the related vessel need to be re-evaluated.

  13. I really tried to make Alpha-3 before the end of the year (the main feature: being able to place items in/out of the inventory and move them in the scene). Alas, I've discovered too many issues with the physics. So, instead of a new release, I'm sharing a video with my findings :) 


    You may have asked "why not using the old KIS approach?". Well, the short answer is: it has even worse problems. I know how to break my mods, and this video is a proof. The old KIS has really bad edge cases that just cannot be fixed in scope of that mod :(  KISv2 is focused to use the stock logic as much as possible. And it consumes a lot of time for the investigation.

    I'm going to vacation till the end of the year. So, Marry Christmas and happy New Year to everyone! See you in 2022.

  14. 8 hours ago, DragonsForce said:

    Even for attaching? That wasn't clear from the original post if so.
    If that is the case, the distinction between Magnet and Hook is definitely important; however, if the Harpoon can't attach without a Kerbal present, I don't see it getting much use - if you're sending a kerbaled craft to an asteroid, you might as well go with a claw.

    I meant the detachment pat. Once harpoon or hook attached (both attach on impact), they can only be detached by an EVA kerbal. There will be option to remotely detach winch from the harpoon/hook, but this would mean loosing the part.

  15. 14 hours ago, pmoffitt said:

    You mean like calculating forces as if the Kerbal threw a part that is 10 times their mass at a high rate of speed to place it?

    When a part is moved or placed via KIS, there is no force applied to any vessel, including the kerbal. And as far as I'm concerned, no cases lake that were reported this far with regards to the KIS actions. I cannot say for the stock system behavior though.

  16. 4 hours ago, pmoffitt said:

    Moral to the story, don't use the stock inventory system and use KIS to attach things

    The key difference between the stock system and KIS is that KIS doesn't create  any parts until it's placed, either attached or free floating. And when it happens, the target part is explicitly aligned to the target vessel orbital velocities. I tried to track the stock logic with regard to it, but it's not that simple. Btw, KISv2 will follow the same approach: no material part is created until user finalized the choice on the placement. This approach has its drawbacks, but it eliminates the unexpected physical behavior.

  17. 4 hours ago, pmoffitt said:

    So where do we go for this discussion (if anywhere)?

    If you can reproduce this issue on an unmodded game, then a good place to post the problem explanation is this forum: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/69-technical-support-pc-unmodded-installs/

    If the only way to reproduce the issue is having some mods in the game, then try reducing their number to the bare minimum and report to this forum: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-pc-modded-installs/

    Here and there I heard about weird behavior of the construction mode on the orbit, which doesn't surprise me much. The stock system creates a material part in a special "construction" state, and then constantly drops and re-creates it as you do your EVA work. It's a very easy way to get hit by some edge case. Especially, when there are mods in the game.

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