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Everything posted by Gauga159

  1. Ant? I Have an ant on a Small probe with 3.5k dv
  2. There's a scoring system so yeah probably.
  3. Man i forgot that you can go to multiple muns at once or were they separate attempts? because i can't score that
  4. BackStory time: The KSC has almost run out of funds but because they were focused on other planets the didin't check the mun or minmus. Challenge: Get to the mun or minmus (which you prefer) flyby or orbit or landing with the least expensive rocket you can Rules: No hyper edit. Can Be Kerbaled. Needs pics or video (i lost my proof in freak accident with hard drive) NO PART MODS. Mech jeb and KER but MJ for readouts only. Sandbox mode. Scoring: Funds divided in half and if gone to minmus x2 and return x #(if flyby then 1 if orbit then 2 if landing and return with kerbals 4) = Score ScoreBoards: 1: @Reactordrone 66215 points / 3107 2:@Signo 1700 points / 4800
  5. This one should be locked It's just a prank bro!
  6. Well i didin't know that now that i searched
  7. 660? wow it would probably be better for two 750ti's
  8. max speed+1m/s
  9. Dres is bland and in a bland place
  10. but it was bad puns I wish to be stepped on by a musquito
  11. speed of light-1
  12. No not really because it would remove the basic essence of ksp wich is launch-fail-try to fix problem-launch-rinse and repeat
  13. Hehe A.R.S.E but looking through the pages looks gud hehehe i'm still laughing for the A.R.S.E
  14. The mun probe i sent you and i'll wait until the hurricane stops.
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