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Everything posted by MadJackal

  1. Yeah I've been playing on and off since around .21, I remember thinking the orbital vectors were a godsend. I guess the only reason I haven't had this problem before is because I usually like to build things big.
  2. This sounds almost exactly like what I have been experiencing. Good to know it is a known issue but I'm a little bummed that it is not fixable in vanilla. I would likewise be interested to know if any mods fix this
  3. Thanks for the suggestions; in regard to RCS placement, they were already dead-on center of mass for the probe at 50% monopropellant. I tried your other two suggestions, fine control seems to have no effect on RCS use, and using only gyro rotation eliminates the jitter but worsens the probe's ability to target vectors correctly. Also going back to your idea about the klaw I relaunched with it unattached and that had no effect.
  4. Launched again with a SAS module on the probe, this was a partial fix. The probe now rotates toward vectors but it still wastes monopropellant with jittering and stops about 10-15 degrees short full of alignment. EDIT: Relaunched a 3rd time without avionics hub on main ship, problems still persist.
  5. Here is a better look at the attachment of the probe core. Klaw was attached directly to the green "joint" and was not offset afterwards. There is no visible jitter except from RCS when I try to target an orbital vector. The clipped RCS thrusters do not seem to be a problem when I am maneuvering manually. I also don't think that would affect the non-clipped thrusters. EDIT: I also just remembered that the main ship has an avionics hub attached. Is it possible that the game is confused by the sudden absence of this part?
  6. I recently launched a ship carrying multiple unmanned probes. The main ship is able to target orbital vectors without issue, but the probes will not do this once separated. Here is a screenshot to give some idea of what's happening. Here I have selected the prograde vector in the SAS menu. The probe has power, RCS thrusters and monopropellant, but will not face prograde without manual repositioning. Instead it "jiggles" slightly in what can best be described as a less fuel efficient alternative to stability assist. I have not found a solution to this so far and any help would be greatly appreciated.
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