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Everything posted by CERVERUS

  1. Who install the KIS 1.1.5 And have problem when load the game with the "Corvus_Exterior" try delete this to .cfg file of the "Corvus_Exterior" .cfg archive! http://prntscr.com/7bwaqr
  2. KAGENA http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?id=1966-019A CKTV Download Craft (Stock) https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjnbg82x7c4q2oo/Kagena.craft?dl=0
  3. Download craft (Universal Storage-KIS/KAS) https://www.dropbox.com/s/jlhk12aaa9hrfuj/C2K3.craft?dl=0
  4. "C" = Corvus "3"= is code Number about my crafts,help me about recognize some diferents,one to another crafts "CSAT" = Cargo Satellite
  5. Yes my friend you right...my fault!!! I changed the crafts with two less O-10 "Puff" Engines (now have two),and i add doawnload link about who like these crafts!
  6. Download the crafts https://www.dropbox.com/s/nn791w6ny4fjuqa/C2.rar?dl=0
  7. http://worldvr.com/gemini-7-space-capsule-vr/
  8. OMG.... Amazing...i am happy you work to CORVUS!!! Thanks!!!
  9. Here 3 Corvus Custom Mods!!! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115391-CERBERUS-Rocketry-NEW-CORVUS_C1?p=1833077#post1833077
  10. Very nice...Gemini my favorite spacecraft!!! I hope you release this soon as you can! Thanks DennyTX
  11. Here is ready the fixed bottom node of K2...Just only add the folder GameData,and accept replace the old .cfg with the NEW!
  12. I am sorry for the wrong file...i fix the problem! The reason of my wrong is,i use a part of RLA pack! Now the right file,is available!!!
  13. CERBERUS DRAGSTER X Tested to RunWay,becareful don't exceed the 60m/s Use only Stock Parts Real Chutes and the TweakScale Everything DOWNLOAD HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/st9h2ppe3ew7bh9/CERB%20DRAG%20X.craft?dl=0
  14. http://forum.kerbale.pl/wlasna-tworczosc/photoshopowane-screeny-tm/
  15. My Lander for travel to Kerbin Moons. Its the Mercury 2/One Kerbal Landing Module.
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