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Everything posted by NajGeetsrev

  1. Johnson broke my game :). The atmosphere does not slow down my craft at re-entry. I reinstalled Jacobs and it worked perfectly on the same save and vessel. What can I do to help you fix this bug? :). P.s. keep up the great work!
  2. After a few hours playing KSP 64-bit on Linux, even with a few additional mods installed. 0 crashes. Z-E-R-O, I am as happy as a clam!
  3. When installing Linux for KSP 64-bit support, do the mods that actively block 64-bit in Windows detect that it is running in Linux and don't block?
  4. I had the same issue. When I removed the USI mods it worked fine! I think the issue is in 000_USITools/DynamicTanks
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