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Posts posted by Silavite

  1. I've been trying to make a flying wing (in FAR), and want to use airbrakes to keep it as close to the pure flying wing design as possible (asymmetric thrust control would be ideal, but I digress). The problem is that the airbrakes in stock KSP open and close far too slowly for effective maneuvering. Are there any mods that add airbrakes which open/close quickly, or that speed up the vanilla airbrakes?

  2. 14 hours ago, ZalgoWaits said:

    I seem to have been outclassed even while I was still working on my entry, but oh well, I'm posting it anyway because otherwise that's time wasted. Here's my FAR entry. Gets up to 530 m/sec in level flight. Didn't attempt to get its max dive speed because doing any kind of maneuvering in this thing is a bad idea.

    Takes off on its own with zero player input at the speed shown. As long as SAS is on, it requires absolutely no player input at all until it starts wiggling at around 5-8k altitude. Velocity shown is the fastest I've been able to get it in level-ish flight. Do not under any circumstances attempt any kind of maneuvering without fine controls turned on, especially at or below wiggle altitude, or bad things will happen.

    Craft file

    MechJeb is there because I prefer its readouts over Kerbal Engineer's, even though I ended up not using them for this flight. No automatic controls were used in the making of this entry!

    Reminds me a bit of the F7U Cutlass.


    I've tried numerous times to get something that can go fast, but the best I've gotten is a measly 380 m/s! I'd blame it on FAR, but I'm pretty sure that the problem lies with me.

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