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Mr. Quark

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Posts posted by Mr. Quark

  1. 10 minutes ago, IonStorm said:


    xD sorry it got stuck there and I couldn't delete it but where is the free viewer?

    3 minutes ago, IonStorm said:

    And it ain't cheap.  But some universities have site licenses, perhaps you have access.  There is also a free viewer or something, but I'm on a Mac so I can't use it.  It is also overkill unless you want to launch it for real anyway.

    Nvm then actually xD

  2. 1 minute ago, IonStorm said:

    Nope.  We did our analysis with STK, and by "we" I mean a team of skilled navigators for years from NASA Goddard*, KinetX, and Lockheed Martin not including me.  Besides a Project Scientist specializes in "why" Engineers specialize in "how." :) 

    *Steven Hughes is a creator of GMAT but did not work directly on OSIRIS-REx. 

    Ahh okay thanks! :D

    1 minute ago, IonStorm said:

    Nope.  We did our analysis with STK, and by "we" I mean a team of skilled navigators for years from NASA Goddard*, KinetX, and Lockheed Martin not including me.  Besides a Project Scientist specializes in "why" Engineers specialize in "how." :) 

    *Steven Hughes is a creator of GMAT but did not work directly on OSIRIS-REx. 

    I need a license for it :rolleyes:

  3. 2 hours ago, KillAshley said:

    very cool man, makes it a little better to get the right shape, ill see if i can create a good representation from the model (after a little subdivision of the mesh :P)

    still gonna be a little tricky to get the exact features onto a spherical heightmap for use in game, however i SHOULd be able to get a pretty close approximation of the shape itself and procedurally generate the surface closer up

    How do you change heightmap?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Jetski said:

    OK, now the hackiest hack that ever did hack.  I've mucked about with Custom Asteroids mod, and gotten Bennu to spawn in more or less the right place for a stock Kerbol universe. 

    1) install Custom Asteroids, an amazing mod by Starstrider42

    2) Drop this config file in the GameData\CustomAsteroids\config\ directory.  Delete the other files in there if you don't want Jool asteroids and comets, stuff that comes with CustomAsteroids

    3) Start KSP

    4) Go to Tracking Station and warp for a bit until an object appears near Kerbin/Duna orbits.

    5) Track it.  If it has BENNU in the name, that's the one.  If not repeat 4)

    6) Fly there!

    Outside or inside jool orbit?


  5. 2 minutes ago, KillAshley said:

    Well mine can be used for both when it's done, as conditional paths can be used for the orbit to change it based on either stock or rss.

    And yeah your maths for the rotation is a little off, it's rotational period is approximately 4hrs, 17mins 

    Ahhh thanks it said 0.002 - 0.0065 I probably misread it

    Is Kopernicus compatible with ksp 1.1 pre-release?

  6. 15 minutes ago, Jetski said:

    I made one and stashed it in with the RSS Kopernicus planets in case there were pathing issues, and it worked.  Literally just duplicated pluto and mangled the orbital parameters and mass, etc. I'm obviously learning as I go, though.  Going to try a stock version today, maybe as a custom asteroid, since KillAshley is handling the RSS one with actual skills ;)

    If I'm reading the orbital properties right the rotation is more like 400 days. I think the 7.2 secs is just panning around the model

    Nope orbit is probably like you said I mean rotation about its axis here is the text from the pdf:  3.1.1 Sidereal Rotation Period • Defined as the period of time for Bennu to rotate about its axis relative to the stellar reference frame. • Source: Mike Nolan and Carl Hergenrother – Nolan et al. (2013) and Hergenrother et al. (2013) P = 4.297461 ± 0.002 hours (1-sigma uncertainty)

  7. Just now, KillAshley said:

    yeah i know i can restore it, but im on my phone so cbf right now.... plus when i re-upload the file tomorrow it wont be a simple Gilly clone, and will actually look like Bennu instead \o/

    :/ okay cya

    1 minute ago, KillAshley said:

    yeah i know i can restore it, but im on my phone so cbf right now.... plus when i re-upload the file tomorrow it wont be a simple Gilly clone, and will actually look like Bennu instead \o/

    Oh, quick do you know where to go to learn to make planets?

  8. Just now, KillAshley said:

    just deleted the file by mistake while cleaning my dropbox account, my bad...ill reupload it tomorrow with a heightmap for the body to reflect it's actual terrain

    Great! D: I wish I downloaded it!

    1 minute ago, KillAshley said:

    just deleted the file by mistake while cleaning my dropbox account, my bad...ill reupload it tomorrow with a heightmap for the body to reflect it's actual terrain

    Select the shared folder from the pull-down menu.
    1. Sign in to the Dropbox website.
    2. Click Deleted files in the left sidebar.
    3. If the event you're looking for occurred in a shared folder, select the shared folder from the pull-down menu at the top of the page.
    4. Locate the deleted files you want to recover, hover over the event, and click the Restore button that appears. Or click on the event to see what files were deleted.

    Note: Restorations can take time if there's a large number of files to restore.

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