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Everything posted by Kelvin090

  1. Hi Yemo, thanks for updating you´re mods. I need help by one of you´re changes from the Seti remote tech config. The new Stations are pretty fine helps allot. But the range from KSC to complete Kerbol System feels a bit to much cheating. Can you please tell me what i have to change that i get the "normal" remote tech range? Thanks allot for you´re support.
  2. Sry but thats not the reason. Have check it. If you splash down in the water, the part of the order is coplete. If you splash down on Grasland, the part "splash down" ist complete. You can´t compleshed this mission.
  3. Hello, many thanks for this mod. But i have one question to the follow mission: Biom: Kerbin Grassland Situation: Splashed down experiment: crew; mystery goo; EVA I was starting with a smal booster and jumpt on the grasland.... I have no idea what the system want´s from me. Splashed down means on the water. But i must do it on biom grasland. What can i do?
  4. Hey @ all, I have a problem to. If i am install the Life support, and startet a game (for testing i startet a scenario) I have some graphic glitches. The Cockpit from my shuttle tearing from the rest and there are no option to control it. The game didn´t crashed. Any idea what i can do?
  5. Hey together! Someone a idea when you have time to update the mod´s? I don´t want to start a new game without tech tree and the other seti mods Good work!
  6. Hey guys, i have a big problem with this part of Seti mod: SETI BalanceMod v0.9.5.2 (for KSP 1.0.5) If i am using the sciencs junior (it is by every science part) I cannot go with the kerbal to the modul and keep it. So i cannot put it in a procesing lab or command pod. I have install and deinstall many mods. If i am deinstal the mod in top, the problem is away. Did someone have any idea, to resolve the problem and keep the mod? I am sorry for my poor english.
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