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Everything posted by cluc

  1. Link is indeed broken. Your link is https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=MissionController2Version1.3.0PreRelease1.zip notice how it is very basic, and is actually a query string (as indicated by "?). This link only works for you when logged in to dropbox, but doesn't work for anyone else. Use the "share" button to get the correct link. Sorry for the long winded "link broke" post, but this happens to a lot of people so I wanted to share, as it is only very recently that this sort of thing started happening, the result of changes in web development practices.
  2. I've had a problem with the second mission. I can't get Mulder to appear. Hopefully I'm not missing something obvious, but I am expecting Mulder to show up on my roster similar to the way tourists do. However, upon accepting the contract he's nowhere to be found. It is a modded install, are there any known conflicts?
  3. Awesome work, thanks so much for these. Quick question regarding the US Scout rockets - there are no decouplers between stages in the included subassembly, and indeed no separation occurs when staging in flight. Should I be adding my own decouplers to the provided subassemblies?
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