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Everything posted by Awaras

  1. The North pole! (landed about 450m away, drove the rover there...) No pyramid, tho...
  2. Whelp, I guess the big crater is NOT the south pole... What would be the coordinates of the exact south pole? 90 00 00 S?
  3. I know that those are just errors in the mesh of the mun surface, but this actually fits quite nicely with the \'Mun is an artificial construct\' theory I saw in another thread... Once the Kerbal civilization gets advanced enough to be able to lift the huge, heavy pyramid from the north pole and fit it inside the hole on the south pole, the ancient machinery inside the Mun gets activated and something... wonderful happens.
  4. Just did a flyover of the Mun\'s south pole, and there is a large pyramid shaped crater right at the pole: Lost a lander leg trying to land inside it, had to abort the mission...
  5. I have to say I feel the same way too.
  6. The 'competition' line was a joke, because the site showed the surface of the moon with the AngryBirds slingshot standing there...
  7. Try adding a few struts like this: (sorry about the Paint rushjob) Also make sure that all the engines at the bottom are lined up. If that doesn\'t work, it might be that your ship is too heavy for the engines at the bottom to hold up....
  8. I think he wants to create a VTOL aircraft that can carry and drop tanks.
  9. Can you post a pic of the ship in the VAB or a .craft file?
  10. Yes, and for bulk cargo it seems to me that it would make absolutely no difference whether you have a base like this or a lot of shuttles. But for passengers, you could have a large, luxurious, very massive base that you put into this kind of orbit once and a lot of small Earth and Moon - based shuttles that transfer passengers to it and from it. This way, passengers sit inside small, cramped, low mass shuttles just for the start and end of the trip, instead of them being cooped up for the entire trip OR you having to waste fuel to accelerate and decelerate a much larger, more comfortable shuttle for every trip. I mean, it\'s bearable to fly third class for 2-6 hours with a fat guy jammed next to you, but 2-3 days or more? For any journey longer than 24 hrs you are going to need a lot of extra equipment (food preparation facilities, lavatories and waste management equipment, bunk beds/seats, artificial gravity centrifuges or cryogenic pods or whatever, and it is a lot more efficient to accelerate all that extra mass ONCE and keep it a station in this kind of orbit than to keep accelerating it along with the shuttles... As someone said, this would probably be more useful for Earth-Mars than for Earth-Moon because of the longer trip times...
  11. But the shuttlecraft could be smaller, and the base could be as big as you want it since it does not have to accelerate/decelerate all the time. So small shuttlecraft to transport people and cargo to and from the base, and a large base with all the amenities of a modern cruise ship for the trip between the Earth and Moon. (Talking about the real world application here). Just curious, how long would it take this base to go from Earth to the Moon and how long to make the trip back? I can\'t open the PDF Xazas posted before...
  12. Yay! My first sucessful rendezvous! Thank you very much for your video guide.
  13. That was one of the hypotheses for the possible future of the universe. New discoveries made it very unlikely. Basically, the universe not only expands but the expansion is accelerating...
  14. I tried your ship and managed to crash into the mun at 80m/s...
  15. Pythagoras is your friend... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_theorem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_addition#Addition_and_subtraction
  16. Yes, I understand that we are carbon based lifeforms, and carbon was made in stars, but so was everything else. That is what I am saying... Stars fuse hydrogen into helium, and helium into heavier elements, generating energy. Eventually, billions of years from now, there won\'t be any more hydrogen...
  17. Every star will burn up eventually, and the universe will continue to spread and cool down. It will take billions, or maybe even hundreds of billions of years, but it will happen eventually. The time frame however is so immensely large that it is not something I lose sleep over.
  18. I am sorry, but I don\'t understand the point of focusing on carbon and iron when every single element has been created from hydrogen inside stars...
  19. Not just the iron and carbon, EVERYTHING. ???
  20. NASA has temporarily lowered the orbit of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to an altitude of just 25km above the Moon to take new pictures of the Apollo landing sites. More pictures at: http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/news/index.php?/categories/2-Featured-Image
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