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Everything posted by i208khonsu

  1. I think this may be caused by the fact that I disabled the fairing around the SWERV engine, or that the placement of the SWERV on the decoupler changed between the initial release and Patch 1. I tried enabling the fairing, but when doing this only the top half of the fairing was being placed around it, so I detached and reatached the decoupler which fully then placed the fairing around the SWERV. Interestingly the rocket was quite a bit harder to control after this. Perhaps I need some fins around the lower stage now, but making no other changes than getting the fairing fully on I was able to get the spacecraft into a stable orbit twice (the first more sloppy than the second).
  2. KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 2920X - RTX 3080 Description of the bug. Expected Behavior When burning the SWERV engine I should get the posted thrust. Observed Behavior I receive thousands of times the thrust after staging to the engine even with zero throttle. This thrust continues until my AP extends just beyond Kerbin SOI Steps to Replicate Launch a craft to 100km, begin orbital insertion. stage to SWERV when bottom stage runs out of fuel. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Unknown. Has happened both times I've attempted to launch this rocket. A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) No timewarp was used (which I see other bugs reporting odd acceleration under timewarp which I believe this is NOT associated with). Here's a video demonstrating the second attempt of launching the rocket. More or less the same thing happened with the first launch. In the instant I stage to the SWERV I go from 570m/s to over 1000m/s. This speed then quickly increases to 15000km/s. The craft workspace can also be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I6qrfYkEp48P3mnpauSGV9XoiChm8-4J/view?usp=sharing
  3. KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 2920X - GTX1080Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior When I'm using the scroll wheel to scroll up and down lists in the Resource Manager, Part Manager, etc. the camera should not zoom in or out. Observed Behavior When the mouse cursor is over a popup window and you scroll up or down a list the camera also zooms in or out respectively. Steps to Replicate Launch a craft, open a window like the Resource Manager or Part Manager, then with your mouse over the window move your scroll wheel up or down. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Correct the camera after it was zoomed when you didn't want it to. A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) Here's a video demonstrating that every time I scroll down the list of tanks added to a fuel transfer que the camera scrolls out which I then have to correct afterward.
  4. KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 2920X - GTX1080Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior In and Out switches in the resource manager are activated on the left mouse down event while the mouse is over the switch. I don't believe mouse up events should have any impact on these buttons. Observed Behavior If you have your cursor over a switch hold the left mouse button down then move your cursor off of the switch and release the mouse button, the switch will be triggered again the next time you trigger the mouse up event while hovering over another button. Steps to Replicate Create a craft with two tanks and empty one of them. Open the resource manager and click the Out switch on the full tank. Then click and hold the mouse button on the In switch of the empty tank and move your mouse cursor off of the switch before releasing the mouse button. Now, click the Start button and you'll observe that the In switch will be deselected when clicking the Start button. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Don't be sloppy with your mouse. A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) The first video is a controlled example where I have two full tanks I'm transferring into an empty tank with the empty tank I deselect the In switches (because they were selected automatically) I then turn them back on, but the lF In switch I click and drag off of. You'll notice that the In switch is highlighted in a darker blue. In this state when I click the Start button the In switch will be de-selected. I repeat this a second time before properly clicking and releasing the mouse button on the third attempt. The second video is where I observed the error were I'm transferring fuel due to a fuel flow error. I almost successfully manage it, except the final Ox Out switch I accidentally click and drag off of which then turns it off for the transfer. (After clicking start my eyes immediately went to my Nav ball as this ship likes to backflip if I don't start a gravity turn.) After returning my focus to the fuel transfer I thought the Ox was taking longer to transfer and didn't figure out what happen until reviewing the video.
  5. I have had limited success in attaching landing legs to i-beams and other structures, but this is not the complete scope of the problem KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 2920X - GTX1080Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior If a tank has one or more fuel lines leading into it, the tank should not drain until the source of all fuels lines leading into it are empty. Observed Behavior The game prefers to drain tanks which are furthest away from the command pod/drone with some exceptions I don't quite understand yet. Steps to Replicate Create a craft with a few separate tanks which are separated from one another and connect them with fuel lines. Include a command pod/drone and rocket engine also Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Manually transfer fuel, use i-beams to mount wheels away from the main craft. A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) Here is a video example where I have 3 tanks. Tank A on the left, Tank B in the middle with a drone attached to it, and Tank C with an engine on it. Fuel lines are running from Tank A to Tank B to Tank C. It is expected that Tank A will drain first, then Tank B, then Tank C. However on launch both Tank A and C drain equally at the same time. Once Tank A is disconnected from the craft Tank C will stop draining and Tank B will drain. After Tank B drains then Tank C resumes draining. In a practical example here is a large rocket with two pairs of drop tanks. It is expected that the mast-starboard (closest to the camera) and deck-port pair drain first, then the deck-starboard and mast-port. However they drain equally until I attempt a manual transfer. (wasn't totally successful because of another but, but I'll explain that elsewhere :P)
  6. KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 2920X - GTX1080Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior Ladders have slightly increased weight for the larger ladders Observed Behavior XS Ladder: 0.005t SM Ladder: 0.006t MD Ladder: 0.007t LG Ladder: 0.100t Steps to Replicate Open VAB and read descriptions of the ladders Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) None A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) I think perhaps the LG ladder is supposed to be 0.010t, not 0.100t.
  7. I think a lot of the issues I've been encountering are due to save file corruption as when I encounter some wonky behavior I try to save and cant, i try to delete it in the tracking center and cant; however in at least two occasions now I recover my craft or get it to destroy itself and I'm able to save again. I wonder how many of the issues we're seeing are because a craft gets borked in the save file and the game doesn't know what to do until it's removed.
  8. When in low orbit of Mun my camera constantly flipped between Orbital and Ground modes. When loading it the camera is locked to orbital even when landing; however if you re-load the game a second time it will be in ground mode. KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 2920X - GTX1080Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior When switching from orbital to ground camera modes (or vice versa) automatically it shouldn't switch back without significantly changing orbit. Observed Behavior Camera rapidly switches back and forth creating numeral toast messages Steps to Replicate travel in a very low orbit around Mun (craft file is possibly glitched in unknown way too). Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Reload the save file twice A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) Game save available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lA56lzOP2jUmWR1e3_LZ7bafnbuJZNil/view?usp=sharing
  9. I frequently encounter this problem as well. KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 2920X - GTX1080Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior When saving the game it should either replace the save chosen or create a new one. Observed Behavior Save is not created or overwritten. Steps to Replicate Unknown Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Recover glitched craft A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) Here is a link to a save which I'm unable to save again after loading. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lA56lzOP2jUmWR1e3_LZ7bafnbuJZNil/view?usp=sharing I believe the problem is with the craft itself as if I land back on Kerbin and recover the vehicle, I'm able to save afterword. Interestingly I've also got a piece of space junk which can not be removed at the tracking station; that is unless the main craft is landed on Kerbin and recovered. After this is done the space junk can be removed. Perhaps related to this, the craft has instantly vaporized as soon as coming in contact with the atmosphere. I'm not sure if this is because of the timewarp, or because I detached the engine and fuel tank. I was later able to land it without using timewarp in atmostphere and with keeping the final stage attached.
  10. Anyone know of an alternative, or fix for this in 1.1?
  11. Here is another picture of the heatshield from back in December: http://imgur.com/HFrMERT
  12. Nah, I've got so many other projects that need my attention; maybe when I'm old and retired I could work on something like that. To plant some for seeds for anyone who would want to expand on an ideal like that I was thinking last night it might be neat if it was required to process specific science experiments first in the science lab to unlock the ability to use ore for various upgrades. For instance processing a surface sample from Duna on the surface of Duna would only enable using ore for over-thrusting on the most basic engines. You'd need a surface sample from Duna processed in orbit around Eve for Aerospike, or processing a Duna surface sample on Eeloo for Ion engines. You could even have multiple different levels of upgrades to unlock. High Orbit, Low Orbit, and Landed; Processed in any order you choose.
  13. I've thought about doing something similar to this, but instead of science requiring ore from different celestial bodies to produce these upgraded parts. For example Mun could ore could offer increased impact strength, Duna would allow over thrusting, Moho could be increased heat tolerance, and the elusive Eve ore would provide better fuel efficiency.
  14. Personally I abuse the system in every way I can because the system abuses me back. However I can not tolerate Z-Bashing. I'll clip parts together until the cows come home, but the moment textures start flicking back and forth it's unacceptable.
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