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The Real Franklin

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  1. So just to confirm, this mod doesn't work with the current version of the game, yeah? Edit: Nevermind, I'm an idiot; it works just fine!
  2. Could be, but the drivers are up to date, the card settings haven't changed, and the game's run without stutter right up until this last update. So arguably that's the only real change so far. A game's own changing performance is as much a factor as anything else.
  3. I actually get the same thing with Cities Skylines as well (don't have Sunless Sea to test), and have an ultra-wide monitor (2560x1080; 21:9), so perhaps it's a matter of under-performing hardware trying to support a larger resolution for a poorly optimized game. But again, same resolution in windowed mode and no stuttering.
  4. Nah, I appear to already be running the 17.3.3 version, it auto-updated about a week ago. I mean I can play in windowed mode if I really wanted to, but wont that just hurt my FPS having the game rendered on top of the desktop and everything else?
  5. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B9U1KwT04IySN244Y25GWGl3Vlk?usp=sharing KSP version: build id = 01622 2016.12.06 at 07:56:51 CET Branch: master Completely clean version. Uninstalled, removed residual files, reinstalled. Same issue.
  6. I know in the Known Issues there's this defeating little line: But this micro-stuttering start just after I upgraded to the latest stable build. Zero mods, I re-validated the files through Steam, I prioritized the KSP process, nothing seemed to fix the new stuttering. I even tried those Unity garbage monitor mods, and I'm not getting 'red spikes' like they suggest you would if this was your issue, suggesting to me it's something else. Nothing works. Except switching to windowed mode. Without even dropping the resolution or changing any other settings, there is zero stutter in windowed mode, but it's unbearable in fullscreen. Given circumstances, is there any plausible issue that could be concluded? AMD Phenom, Windows 10, I'm aware of the Phenom crash issue, and while it's never been a problem for me, I'm still using that '-force-gfx-st' launch option, and have checked for the stutter with and without it. I'm at a loss at this point.
  7. Putting future updates on manual now, since it's not the same team the game may go in a different direction moving forward. Shame how you guys were treated there. I wont be buying future Squad products.
  8. Incredible proof of concept mod, congrats on the blog inclusion. I'd love for Squad to take a hint from this, since "damage that isn't just some vaporizing, red pop" has been on a lot of players want list for a while. Actual, real damage as opposed to some gimmicky explosion.
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