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Everything posted by Reason

  1. Massing around making a test mod for something to do. I
  2. I made some new Trucks for KSP, Each Truck has 2 speeds and can pull alot. You can download the fleet here: https://mods.curse.com/shareables/kerbal/251286-smp-turcks Stay tuned more Projects are coming, There stell being tested feel free to share ideas. I'll be posting a truck Video on you tube soon
  3. I did up a pack of the trucks if anyone wants to try them out. https://mods.curse.com/shareables/kerbal/251286-smp-turcks I'll be posting a new test video on a rocket I tweaked abit and you can see how it went... I Overpower it
  4. Welcome to S.M.P ( Special Mission Projects ) I'll be using this post to show off and share some of my SMP stuff along with some videos & screens of projects, now you may be wondering what SMP is. What is S.M.P ? S.M.P means Special Mission Projects that are rocket's & projects that are tests to see if they work, SMP in KPS is easier then the model's i use to make and i'll tell ya they wore hard to fly sometimes. How is got its name? S.M.P started back in 1998 wend I first built a test rocket back wend I was a model rocketeer I no longer fly model rockets anymore and have moved my rocket ideas into KSP were I restarted the SMP projects ones agen, I'm not the bust out there so I'll do my bust to keep it simple please forgive me is I make any errors. "Jeb how are we going to enplane to Bill what happened to his truck wend he gets back to Karben?" I hope you all enjoy this.
  5. Jeb! are you mad? He keeps bringing them home form work this was his new find. I made a Video on it you can see it here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsFiXGhFZng
  6. Jeb found a new hobble! and hes bring it home too....
  7. Fooling around with the idea abit and made 4 more.
  8. I hated the look and rebuilt it sunk the old one into kerbals ocean were it was crushed to death, this new and smaller ones far better its not a easey ship to build with all I want to do with it and the question comes to mind is can it fly?? Stay tooned to find out
  9. Got a bit more done just the fraim of the ship i also added in the main cannon, No kerbal wont's to be infornt of it wend she fires there a bit of a back story to this ship. Its said to be rumor wend the main gun fires the ship jerks form the blast and known to injure the crew at times and has the power to punch a nice hole throw a small moon.
  10. The SMP Rambler ( Doom Class Destroyer ) ship is 3 decks, a crew of 160, The barge deck is 1/3 of the ships size so this things huge. I'll post more on the Project as time gose on and show you it. Brage Deck is coming along
  11. Just put up a new video hope you like it. Kerbal Space Program SMP Ep2 Screens of the 3 starbaces
  12. Good day everyone I'm looking for the mob that lets to place your "ship" into space/other plants with then the system with out lunching and going to it. I looked everywhere for it on the site. Would someone please tell me the name of this mod? I hope someone knows what mob I mean sorry. Thanks
  13. KPS Tran mod using my old models I'm not sure they even work I model in trainz scale. making it stay on the track wont be easy at all that calls for come deep config and scrip work. Making buildings is easy. Please excuse the video being abit off topic I'm just showing off my train models that may be KSP modded with some work. Most of these models are updated or scrapped the video is out dated and many changes wore made.
  14. I found gmax has a eas texturing and works best for most part now i got the obj files installed i' going play wound abit this weekend and see what insane model i can come up with.
  15. Ok got ya I was looking at the wrong thing lol by bad I'll take a look later on right not i'm trying to figer out how to apply textures to the model in s3dmax its set up abit differently then what I'm use to, making the model is easy texturing is harder. We'll get this thing working going take some time.
  16. Set up looks fairly simple I was thinking there be more to it then that, Only problem is there no um exporter for s3dmax and i don't have time to lurem a new program. I looked om google found nothing helpful. Here's a Test cone I started working on to get things started. Haven't got it set on the y axes yet but I will later on ones i play around with it abit more.
  17. ??? Bill found it in the back shop under a sheet.
  18. disregard this last part I forgot to restart my PC was apart of installing it lol. Now S3d Max is installed and running normely, you can get a gmax file into obj format there's a plugin for it. but that takes more work. Here a screen of a model I made for trainz is it's unfinished this give you a idea of my skills. I'll be looking for the plugins for KSP and get the ball rolling ones i get use to s3dmax.
  19. This is no boding well S3d max refuses to work and I don't know why, well this throw a wrench into my plans.
  20. I have 3dsmax but given up on it because i needed a plug in the newer version don't support, All I need to know is attachment points used and modeling info for texturing I'm assuming KSP uses the power of 2 system I'm already accustom to and config editing as well trainz using silmer formatting in this regards. Here a link to my site were you can find some of my models I did up for trainz. http://novascotiatrainz.weebly.com/ksp.html
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