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    Crash Landed on the Mun

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  1. so that's what the album ID is. Tried both the album name and the entire web address in the prompt. thanks @Venusgate
  2. I know. Decided about a month ago that since I've never played KSP unmodded I was going to try a career and have been having fun figuring out the delta-v requirements and getting my ship aligned for docking properly by myself.
  3. Good to know. Whenever I've been playing this challenge, have been using a clean install. Haven't even used my two favorite mods, engineer and the navyfish docking port mod
  4. @enceos I was having the same problem when I was messing around after @venusgate linked the previous save file. The solution I found was to put a craft on the launchpad/runway, open map and go to the station, then return to the craft on launchpad and recover. Actually have had that problem on previous saves. After recovery, the tracking station worked as it should
  5. Done. New dropbox link is https://www.dropbox.com/s/m1niygx9b7x3vta/KSS.sfs?dl=0. Pictures are coming shortly For whatever reason, can't get the pictures to show up as an album in the post. Oh well, here's the link for the imgur album. http://imgur.com/a/8EBwo
  6. That's how it looked in the dl link that I've been playing on all evening as I've been debating on sending up another launch. Think I'll send a small power section up to the ship.
  7. Looks like fun. Although, tbh, I haven't actually sent a mission (successfully) outside kerbin except for a mission to Duna even though the poor kerbal got abandoned after the 1.05 update dropped.
  8. Awsome. Glad I could help. Hopefully if I get the time tomorrow, I'll run the mission I had planned. Good luck with the burn and post some good pics.
  9. Alright, it is finally done, a lot latter than I had planned on. Here's a link to the new save. https://www.dropbox.com/s/29624wponq0vdu3/KSS.sfs?dl=0 Will edit to include pictures in a little bit. Currently uploading them. Edit, Here're the pictures. http://imgur.com/a/8EBwo
  10. Sorry it's taking so long to do a simple mission...the kracken has invaded my laptop. However, should be docking here in a little bit with four reaction wheels.
  11. Well, in that case, I'll go ahead and do my launch. I'll bring up some reaction wheels for you. Edit, @Enceos Did you need them on both ports, or would one work?
  12. Now that I've looked at the updated save, my new module would actually work quite well there, with one minor alteration. @Enceos, are you moving the station currently? If so, I'll wait for you before I launch
  13. Shoot, was creating a module for the MK2 section of the station consisting of a copula and the 6 way hub and a couple docking ports. Oh well guess I'll think about something different
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