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Everything posted by Zombienoms

  1. My god, I've been looking for a mod like this Any chance it will get an update for 1.2.x?
  2. Does this mod work in 1.2? I look forward to using BahamutoD's metal cover of the KSP theme at the main menu
  3. Hell yeah you can haha. I originally got this mod to replace the main theme with BahamutoD's (guy behind BD Armoury) metal cover of it. It was the best thing ever until 1.1 broke it
  4. I'll probably stick with planetshine for a while. Partly because of the mod settings menu thingy in game (whatever it's called) is both user friendly and useful. Also because this such a lovely little mod that makes KSP so much nicer in a subtle but noticeable way. Mad props to the dev, seriously.
  5. Conflicts with other mods maybe? EDIT: wait, never mind lol EDIT 2: then again, maybe it might still conflict with other mods..?
  6. Try reinstalling the mod or something. Not sure on everybody's opinions here of CKAN but it might be worth using it to install just in case you made a mistake or something.
  7. I'm in 1.1.2 and it works fine. Apart from the white button at least (I'll try the suggested fix later today).
  8. So for some reason the icon/button thingy for the planetshine settings in flight is completely white. It's click-able and everything works as it should but it's irritating. Anyone else having the same problem? Mod list: Scatterer chatterer KER Planetshine RCS Sounds Engine lights
  9. Where can I download this mod if the mediafire links are kaput?
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