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Everything posted by rkman

  1. Above a certain amount of fuel (depending on several factors) you save so much fuel by using the LV-N that in the end the vessel has a lower mass. It has been discussed and analyzed in-depth:
  2. Same as it did before. I think you are referring to the fact that in KSP physics is fully simulated only for the active (selected) vessel and any other vessel within 2km distance. Vessels further away that enter the atmosphere are simply removed when they get below 20km altitude. That is pretty much by design, full simulation of many vessels at the same time would reduce performance to much. There used to be (maybe still is) a mod that extends the physics range, but i don't remember what it's called.
  3. It's not like this is a new thing, the issues are known: there are many bugs in KSP. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues
  4. The LV-N is about 3 times as fuel efficient as regular rocket engines (see the ISP numbers of the engines). So it saves you tons of fuel on far-away trips. It doesn't help much with going to the Mun because you don't need much fuel anyway to go there, so the high mass of the engine offsets what you save on fuel.
  5. Squad, MS and Sony seem to think so, but what do they know?
  6. There are other Unity games that do not have the problems with stability and stutters that KSP has, even though those games are still in alpha/beta.
  7. Ah, but that is a mod. You know what they say about those.
  8. If it has LOS of Kerbin, yes. But if it hasn't then it prefers a far-away antenna over an antenna closer by (of the same type) that has LOS to Kerbin. (btw my reports about this issue are based on the green lines)
  9. Right. But what i'm seeing is that the mod typically takes the longer path (links that are further away, not the closer links), often with more hops than the shorter path. In other words, it behaves different than how you describe it should behave. save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6gv6nixi3kt5m2i/rkman_persistent.rar?dl=0
  10. In this case all vessels have the same antenna (the stock 'flat dish'), except one in low Kerbin orbit which has a large hinged disc. Presumably Kerbin itself has a better antenna and should be preferred over that Kerbin sat. The long-way-around paths are at least the same number of hops as the shorter paths - all have the same antennas except for the last hop via the Kerbin sat (instead of to Kerbin directly) for vessels that have los to it. Setting packet throttle on unwanted relays to its lowest value makes no difference. I noticed the paths depend on which vessel is selected. - With focus on the sat in Kerbin orbit everything that can see it relays via that sat. - Switching to one of the Mun sats there is only a line between the Mun sat and Kerbin and a line between it and the Kerbin sat. Seems to indicate the Kerbin sat relays via the Mun sat, in fact everything that has los relays via that Mun sat (if it has focus). - Focus on the Mun lander: can not see Kerbin, can see a Mun sat that has los to Kerbin, but the lander relays via Minmus (all the same antennas). The one Mun sat that has los to the Mun lander and los to Kerbin relays via the lander. The other Mun sat can see Kerbin but relays via the Kerbin sat, just as everything else that can see it and Kerbin. Anything relays to Kerbin directly only if it can not see the Kerbin sat.
  11. Relay goes the long way around. My unmanned Mun lander can see two comsats in Mun orbit which in turn can see Kerbin. But the relay path from the Mun lander goes via a lander on Minmus. Even the Mun comsats and a comsat in Kerbin orbit prefer relay via Minmus instead of direct to Kerbin. All the vessel have proper antennas and electricity.
  12. Just letting the game run for several hours, with only a few ongoing flights, focused on a lander on Minmus, fps degrades from ~40 to 10. Then going to the space center takes about a minute at 1fps.
  13. I think this thread demonstrates that is not universally true.
  14. Very nice mod, but even with only 4 ongoing flights it reduces my framerate from 50fps to 20 and puts the ingame clock from solid green to solid yellow. I'll check this mod later to see if performance has improved.
  15. Just so long as it is clear that Squad employed people outside Mexico. So in those cases where labor law applies at all, it is not only Mexican labor law. I agree that if it's really that bad, Squad could be sued over it. Though the fact that they have not been sued over it and possibly never will does not mean no labor abuse took place. Either way the community can not do a lot about it. I do not think it is cause to boycott Squad (the devs nor the owners) or the game. However it still leaves the issue of funding of KSP development and the quality of the product. I think the low wages, long hard crunch, and interns doing 'important' work, are of the same pattern as not hiring expertise in Unity, project management and design - resulting in a game that is still buggy and unpolished a year after release. And deep problems such as garbage collection will likely only be resolved when it is fixed in Unity, at some unknown date in the future. While in the mean time the founders of Squad are funding a movie and a record label that they could not have funded without the success of KSP. Their "kamikaze personalities" (Goya's words) has taken them far (it brought us KSP), but on occasions it causes them to push things to far (got Felipe to say "i quit"). In the case of software there is a lot of 'give' in the quality of the product, which unnoticed by the MBA trained, disinterested-in-video-games leadership can get quite low before a majority of customers finds it unacceptable. A large, genuinely dedicated fan-base that cheers the game on every occasion and boos any criticism, makes it even easier to 'get away' with a high bug count. It does mean Squad is much more than some small struggling indy dev team, as you (and many others) seem to think. "Squad has people in management that are also software developers and dreamers MBA-trained financier without interest in video games (and a video artist)."
  16. Squad the KSP dev team is subservient to Squad the advertising company, which has had clients such as Coca-Cola. "We didn't have any expectations for the game," Ayarza says. "I'm not a video games fan. Ayarza is a businessman, trained as a financier with an MBA from the University of Miami." "Ayarza has finished the script for his first movie, which will be produced by Squad. Goya is creating a record label and composing, all funded by Squad." http://www.polygon.com/features/2014/1/27/5338438/kerbal-space-program (Ayarza is one of the founders/owners of Squad) At least 1 milllion copies of KSP sold on Steam, word has a total of 4 million sold.
  17. It means they lived outside of Mexico (where Mexican labor laws/minimum wage do not apply) and were employed by Squad. Which means Squad employed people outside Mexico (and for all i know it's not one of the things that Squad denies).
  18. Hold on - it is not exactly Squad that has said they hire outside of Mexico, but rather some of the 'Nobody's' who Plusck said had not said that Squad employs anybody outside Mexico...
  19. Yes they have: https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/4hw5x7/in_regards_to_pdtvs_post_damion_rayne_former_ksp/d2t7hdm
  20. Yes, companies that hire internationally get to deal with the labor laws in the countries where they hire. Where did you get the idea people expect ten time higher salaries? Never mind answering that, i realize you must exaggerate in order to try and defend Squad's wage practices. Seriously though: How does anyone expect a company not to comply to the labor laws of the countries where they hire? That just is not how it works, and your calling for it makes me wonder what interest you have in anyone receiving less than the legal minimum wage of the country where the live.
  21. The vast majority of bugs that people complain about are already reported, known bugs. Oh but we do realize that (aside from the people who maintain that there are no bugs). We also realize that it is deceptive to market an in-development product as a finished product. Would be a first though, to have a de facto Early Access game on console.
  22. I think it goes with the territory of KSP fans that are so dedicated to the game that any criticism of it and its development, is interpreted as being "against".
  23. Point is this uproar is justified in spite of what the founders are saying.
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