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  1. As it should be. Let's get real, the vast majority of people commenting, reporting, asking questions about 1.1 care only about which of their personally used mods they can use to PLAY 1.1. They don't give a rat's ass about any bug testing. Even most of the "media team" I've watched so far care only about how many more gigantic ships they can launch of their own and learn to fly them better. They directly brush off any concerns in their chats about performance or usability enhancements and even get annoyed by people asking about it. This isn't a bug find release. It's early access plain and simple for those who bought the game from a real company(Steam) . This game has been in a "beta" state since the beginning of it's lifetime because it's an easy out for sloppy work. That same "beta" "wip" card will be pulled long after the "official" release of 1.1. If they truly want to find bugs then yes, it should be a closed test using actual people who care about finding bugs. The fact is, no matter how many people here want to try and defend it, this is a simple prerelease to the customers who were smart enough to not trust some indie dev's storefront.
  2. Sure did. I was informed before purchase by squad staff about 1.1 being released soon as the "actual" full release version and that I could rest assured that I would be upgraded to that version as part of my purchase. -snip-
  3. Except that it's not a $20 game and they're not giving anyone anything "for free" No matter how you wanna try to declassify this pre release as a promised feature during the purchase process, promise of being upgraded to the actual release version (1.1) WAS absolutely factored into that purchase price. Oh, and for the record, of course I personally would never dream of downloading pre release 1.1 from the flood of torrent links that will appear in any average torrent app.
  4. Doesn't take a crystal ball. Just a tad bit of common sense. The game was already extremely easy for someone even such as myself who is very unfamiliar with torrents and PC gaming/pirating in general to get for free. Throw in liquided off users who ARE extremely fluent at this stuff and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what that will get you.
  5. I originally discovered this game by accident from browsing youtube vids. A mediafire link was included in the video to download version .90. After being informed that version .90 was not included in "older" versions that could be downloaded free, I did the right thing and purchased a copy from the store. In between these 2 actions, I received links to fully download version Had I wanted to not do the right thing, I could have easily kept my money and been playing the game right now in it's current stable version without having spent a dime. What do you think is gonna be the decision for a number of people after being treated like second class citizens by Squad in this instance? You better believe the fact that they have locked out access to what will be the most recent build to half of their customers will ensure a good day for torrent apps. After people get the "beta" build for free do you really think they will go back and buy the game? LOL Squad basically guaranteed that their version 1.1 will be one of, if not the most "pirated" version to date.
  6. Just for a "for the record", my post wasn't directed towards moderators per say as I personally don't consider them part of squad as a company. In fact, I'm actually surprised(and delighted) to see certain moderator's speaking their true feelings even though it may not coincide with what squad's vision of "fairness" may be. As I said before, my primary purpose is to remind those who wish to say more than "squad stinks", that there are other avenues and ways to make their opinions known.
  7. My opinion on this has been clearly stated so I wont even go back into just how poor of a company I feel squad is over this. What I will suggest is to let your opinions be known elsewhere. These forums are a place for Squad to tailor these opinions how they want them. They couldn't care less about the opinions of half of the users here as plainly evidenced by their unscrupulous actions. I plan to spread the word about this situation anywhere possible to any and all gaming rags, forums, streams, etc that I can in the next week or so in addition to the personal actions I have already taken towards my own compensation. I also plan to lobby against the PSN version when it is listed for release on the blog throughout the playstation network and throughout my own large network of friends/gamers on the PSN. I suggest anyone who truly feels the same about this issue to do this as well. Will this bankrupt squad? Of course not, but it will cost them a few sales and maybe shed some light on their true nature. For anyone holding onto squad's pants leg like a pet and wanting to rescue the poor squad damsel in distress again, please save the replys. This is simply a suggestion to those who are unhappy about not getting equal treatment for equal payment.
  8. Quote 1) It would release at whatever the internal release date was anyway, full of bugs. Everybody moans a'la 1.0. My only reply here is I think it's a preeetty safe bet that there is gonna be an equal amount of moaning amount bugs at the "actual release" regardless of pre release "testing." Obviously this is pure speculation and opinion on my part; Although a pretty fair assessment based on historical facts surrounding this product.
  9. Actually it's you who that isn't understanding. You can word it experimentals, beta, pre release, whatever you please. The fact remains that by the time steam users get a hold of this, the real "experimentals" will have been completed. From the OP... "This time around though, things will get even more interesting after Experimental testing! Given that update 1.1 will be unlike any update we’ve seen to date in terms of widespread changes to pretty much any significant and underlying system in the game we're planning to provide an optional pre-release branch of update 1.1."
  10. Except that unless you consider getting the game sooner being much longer, you're totally incorrect based on your own quoted post... "The alternative would be to have no pre-release branch available at all, which would mean we'd tack on at least one more week of experimental testing..." 2 weeks of pre release or one more week of experimentals.....maths That would mean that only the actual "official" testers and modders would be there and not a bunch of rando users based on their place of purchase(which is how it should be).
  11. $40 but yeah, you're starting to get it...
  12. If you've ever had to file these types of complaints, I certainly have on more than one occasion, you would know the burden of "proof" is on the company providing services. Like it or not, these procedures are here to protect the CONSUMER first and foremost. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I WILL have the charges reversed back into my banking account. What finally comes of the paypal investigation will remain to be seen but I can promise you, they will act on my claim/refund and THEN iron out the details. That's the way things work down here in earth's atmosphere. Again, not tryng to convince anyone here of anything they don't want to pull their heads out of the sand for. Simply letting you know "why I'm still here." Unfortunately not.
  13. Believe what you will my good man. It's not my burden or desire to try and convince you or anyone else here. There are services in place to protect consumers from this type of practice despite what some would have you believe. They are quite effective in fact. I will be sure to let you know the results as my going away post.
  14. Which is the basis of my entire rant. Their service is evidently just short of a garage ddosers setup which is pitiful for a supposed "company." No business wants to spend extra resources obviously because it's about the bottom line. The difference is, a real company sucks it up and provides what's needed to ensure equal processes and privaleges for all of their consumers. Squad is not that. You all wont need to worry about my "crying" once my process of being refunded and/or fraudulent claims to paypal and my financial institute are completed. For now, I am simply gathering necessary support towards that and trying to warn some naïve users of past and now present bad business practices and support from this "company."
  15. TL;DR They WONT handle it. The same way they aren't handling the pre release for all their users and the same way the entire game hasn't been handled properly as it runs like pure hell still as a released, retail product. Instead, they're proceeding like amateurish monkeys. I expect horrible service for actual release as well based on previous documented "meltdowns" of their service for virtually all of their releases.
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