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Everything posted by Sirius628

  1. It's just downright depressing that T2 or whoever bought KSP from them is being less consumer-friendly than EA.
  2. SpaceY Expanded has its 10m parts in that node too.
  3. Looking at steam, the players count is most certain NOT higher than before. KSP2's failure basically cut KSP1's playerbase in half, never to recover. https://steamcharts.com/app/220200#All October 2022: 5494 players December 2022: 6000 players February 2023 (KSP2 launch month): 8575 players April 2023: 3293 players June 2023: 2777 players, and it's basically stayed around there ever since. [I'd have used screenshots if this forum would let me.] KSP1 is still going to be played by its existing fans & followers, and a small trickle of new players who stumble across it, of course. But it will never return to its heyday of inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers. KSP2 overshadowed it, crashed and burned and then got backstabbed by the corporate overlords the moment it looked to have a fleeting chance at recovery. All so Take-Two could pour more money into their next game named after a literal felony, which at this point seems it might never see fruition after all. :sigh:
  4. Should we spearhead an effort to make sure every page on the forums is in the Wayback Machine? (especially the modding section, since some of the mods there may have no other download source?)
  5. Is it intended that Kerbals can still run out of oxygen whilst on the surface of Kerbin?
  6. Is there a way to make the old textures show up as variants rather than separate parts?? @TriggeredSnake
  7. Understood, I can provide a log file soon. I was just trying to verify whether it was a known bug or not.
  8. @zer0Kerbal Bug: all three of the radial fuel tank crash the game when clicked.
  9. Same issue here with a full stock craft. Obligatory log.
  10. The stock ion engine is completely broken for me. I have electric charge AND xenon, but when I activate the engine, literally nothing happens. No electricity or xenon is consumed, kerbal engineer says I have 0 delta-V, and my orbit doesn't change whatsoever. The only way I even know the engine is activated is from the blue glow.
  11. Nah, I can remove SigmaBinary I guess. Let's see if that actually fixes anything.
  12. Sigma Binary and Kopernicus are both on the latest version available, and I don't know what SD is.
  13. Most of them through CKAN, but ResearchBodies was manual. Here is the dropbox of my Player.log, taken at the moment of the screen freeze-up. PS: Just added my latest quicksave as well
  14. Update, opening the observatory doesn't do anything bad if I open it immediately upon firing up the game. However, if I go to the tracking station or map view, and then the observatory, the game ends up in a bricked state of the KSC where I can look around but not click on anything. EDIT: Okay, I've done some scrolling back and seen people having the same issue. Thing is, the culprit in those situations always seems to be entering the SOI of an undiscovered body. I have not done anything of the sort. In fact, I have only visited Kerbin, the Mün, and Minmus, all three of which I have configured to start discovered.
  15. I had a very strange bug happen to me and I want to know if this has happened to anyone else. I'm on 1.12 BTW. Everything was working fine until suddenly, I noticed that all bodies were discovered and that entering the observatory bricks the game. I don't know when exactly this happened, but some things that I think might have been the culprit are: Accepting a contract pertaining to Gilly (a body I hadn't discovered yet) The "Search the Skies" contract Upgrading my tracking station to level 3, which may have revealed asteroids orbiting an undiscovered body? Uninstalling KabinKraziness (it's in the REPOSoftTech folder alongside ResearchBodies) Now, I do understand that logfiles are normally needed for support, but I just don't know what log to give you here.
  16. BTW, the mod works flawlessly on 1.12. I just want to be able to customize how fast kraziness builds up and how much electricity the climate control, massage chair, etc use up. It's a bit too hard to do longer missions (like even just a Mün flyby) in early career mode because the small batteries / solar panels are just not enough.
  17. What does each line of the config file affect? @JPLRepo
  18. Make sure that you are binding them on the right half of the screen (the part where it says "axes") and NOT to the the button/key mappings.
  19. I am working on a planet in Kopernicus and would like the key calculator. May I have a link?

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