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Everything posted by Kotagi

  1. Ok i got the bezel figured out without any third party software. I used the 2 bottom screens to create space between the 3 top screens..I will try to post a pic tomorrow
  2. Thats weird but I totally understand, thanks for trying
  3. The fact that it isn't asking about making a config means that it's not installed right. It should ask about making the config as soon as you launch ksp. The d3d9.dll should go into your kerbal space program folder, the same folder you run ksp.exe or ksp_64.exe out of. The main directory It only asks if it doesn't have one, so it will only do this the first time you load, then you should have a SoftTH config inside your main game directory
  4. What do you mean by make adjustments to the desktop? That's weird it should at least make the config either way Do you run 32 or 64 bit ksp? Are you using the appropriate version of SoftTH? I realize now my instructions said game data folder, it is actually the game directory folder, sorry. I changed them to reflect this
  5. You put the file in the game directory that contains the ksp.exe or ksp_64.exe depending on which one you use. Let me know if this helps.. Sorry I didnt catch you before you left..
  6. Man this is driving me crazy. I cant believe there are so few options for bezel correction...
  7. http://m.bonanza.com/listings/microsoft-windows-7-ultimate-product-key-for-32-or-64-bit-digital-delivery/337911708?goog_pla=1&gpid=177431040781&keyword=&goog_pla=1&pos=1o5&ad_type=pla&gclid=Cj0KEQiAhs3DBRDmu-rVkuif0N8BEiQAWuUJrxnpAMhp3wNea5mLug4rtpSNYmDM7niDgxxMPXWPEp0aAvPr8P8HAQ You can buy windows 7 a bunch of places still. I have no plans on abandoning windows 10, I just need to know if this works. I can create a dual boot if it does. @p1t1o can you try SoftTH with kerbal for me please. It sounds like you have the right setup
  8. It did not work in compatibility mode unfortunately...
  9. I plan on buying a copy of windows 7 if I can just verify that it works first. They are cheap. I appreciate anyone trying it for me that would be awesome. @hikoriyami let me know what the results are, you have the perfect test environment. Thanks again
  10. I have Nvidia gtx 970 but I am using Portrait Landscape Portrait setup and nvidia surround wont do that. You cant control the bezel correction without surround activated. I cant find anything that supports PLP except SoftTH. If you have any ideas let me know. BTW It looks awesome with the bezel correction I really hope I can figure something out. It really isnt looking good at this point. Im still hoping it will work on windows 7. Crossing my fingers..
  11. Its for the flight screens..It compensates for the bezels between screens so that as spheres move across the screens they dont become irregular shapes. My screens are almost 4 inches aparts so it doent make sense that the sphere continues directly off of the center screen. I need to create that 'dead space' between screens. I really think it will work with windows 7. Hopefully I can find someone who refused the Windows 10 update..lol. They got rid of the ghost monitors in the windows anniversary update I guess. That would have done the same thing. What I like about SoftTH is that it renders the multiple screens into one using only your best video card. So thanks for testing @Redneck if you know anyone with windows 7 tell them to test it . Hopefully we get a different result
  12. I am looking to test a program called SoftTH which allow you to set bezel adjustment for multi- monitor setup. I am building a sim pit and I have 4+ inch bezels that I really would love to compensate for. There is a program that does this called SoftTH but it doesnt work with windows 10. I updated all the computers in my house and so did everyone I know apparently..So I cant find a windows 7 computer to test this on and I dont want to set up a dual-boot and buy a copy of windows until I know it works. On 10, the game crashes about 5 seconds after starting it. This is due to it being compiled for windows 7 I believe. Thats why I would like to test this. Also this is a pretty awesome program if it does work. Im sure at least a few people would be happy for a working multi-monitor setup tool. Anyone willing to test this let me know. Steps to test: BACK UP GAME FIRST -Have Windows 7(Multi-Monitor setup preferred but not required) -Figure out which version of KSP you use(either 32-bit or 64-bit) -Download the appropriate version on http://www.softth.net/ 32 and 64 bit versions I would stick with. Dont use dx9(86) DX9 v2.08 alpha DX9 v2.08 alpha 64 bit -Drag d3d9.dll into game directory(NOT GAMEDATA) folder -Run Program, It should ask you if you want to create a config for your monitor setup. -Say yes to making config -Let your game load(tThis is where my game crashes. Dont worry if it does, removing the file is all you have to do to revert back) -If your game loads than it worked and my sim pit just got alot better. please post your results with your windows version, # of screens, and if it passed or failed. Thank you!
  13. So Im thinking about building the ox cnc router to finish the panels. If I do I will probably pause on this until I finish. Im also having trouble getting softth to work with windows 10. While it is definitely playable as it, soft will account for the 4 inches of bezel and allow me to add 2 more screens to finish the flight view. I will not be able to without bezel compensation. Softth is the only program that will do bezel correction with PLP(Portrait, Landscape, Portrait) that I can find. So I believe its more probable that it works on windows 7 since thats what its built for. I dont have windows 7 and dont want to go though the work of setting up a dual boot unless I know it works. So if anyone would be willing to try SoftTH, and has windows 7, and preferably a multimonitor setup(though not required), let me know. Send me a pm. On windows 10 it crashes kerbal about 5 seconds into loading. If you can load your game, and creates a config file in your game directory than it worked. So anyone who would be willing to help me test that would be super awesome ALSO: If you do try it, SoftTH has a 32bit and a 64bit. Use the version that you use in kerbal. So if you launch kerbal in 64 bit, then download and use the SoftTH 64 bit version, otherwise it wont work
  14. Everytime I try to load ksp with softth is crashes ksp on load. Any tips on why this is happening? Ive tried with multiple versions of ksp and same problem. On 64 and 32 bit as well. Am I missing something?
  15. So I am building a sim and I would love to use SoftTH but unfortunately it crashes on startup every time. Im on windows 10. Any clues how to fix this? The bug says it throws an access violation on NTDLL.DLL. Any clues how to fix this would be greatly appreciated as I am building a sim pit and really need the bezel correction this gives... It seems to work in 32 bit mode. From reading it seams that some 64 bit games need patches to work. I posted on SoftTH's forum and am waiting for a response but I figured it wouldn't hurt to put the question out on here. I know ive seen many people in the community request multi-monitor support and getting this working will give just that! Anyways if anyone has any tips let me know
  16. The first 3 meters are installed. I still have to paint the panels but I wanted to try them out. I also need to find more black covers like the first one. I might try to make some. I have 1 more meter in the mail, than I need to wait to the internet to replenish with meters, because I bought all the ones that I could find for 30 and under. Only 4 more. The first meter is for Electric Charge. Second is for current stage fuel/oxidizer, third is total stage fuel/oxidizer
  17. @Freshmeat@Castille7Thanks guys. Maybe we can do a joint mission when I get done
  18. This is the first time I got the resolution fixed. Check it out it looks pretty awesome... https://vid.me/4SW0
  19. The line kind of smudged on the right so I have to fix that but besides that it looks pretty good. Gunna start making panels soon
  20. Thats awesome. Im trying. Im to invested to give up now, then my wife really would kill me..lol
  21. So the first section is done(besides the panels). The first one was the hardest since it was the end. Need to add some screws to stop the bowing on the middle of the panels. I also wish I would have planed the bottom board to get rid of the grain look but oh well..Its not bad enough to start over. Tomorrow I will work on the back piece
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