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Everything posted by cdsang

  1. Thank you. Downloaded from that link of Stockalike Real Fuels Configs and it worked like a charm. I did look inside the real fuels folder first and i saw all sorts of config files assuming it was all there, then noticed it only did tanks. Live and learn. Also thanks to all the mod makers for taking the time to make this game even better.
  2. I am having trouble getting this to work. I installed Real Fuels first, added FASA, SpaceY and Fuel Tanks plus with all the require files and that is it. My tanks can be changed to the fuels, but all engines still use Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer as they do in the base game. I did this on a fresh install. Am i missing something?
  3. http://bobpalmer.github.io/UmbraSpaceIndustries/ this should help with links to all of Roverdude's mods. By the way, thank you RoverDude for your wonderful mods. I realize it takes alot of time to do make them and its great you talk to the community.
  4. Found an error, well I think its one anyway. Using FTT 0.4.4, the "HoneyBadger" atmospheric VTOL engines only have a thrust of 15 KN and weight 3.75 T. So, they may not even be powerful enough to lift themselves. I am guessing you tried putting 150 and missed the 0.
  5. I think you misunderstood. I made a config file for it but I just don't know how to make it so people can download it. if someone could tell me how to make it available for others, I will gladly share my config file. Of course you could just use Kerbas_ad_astra's post and create your own.
  6. Oh I already did all that, but I guess if anyone wants to copy that into a config file there you go. shouldn't take more then 5 mins to get your self setup. config should keep working working after updates as long as the name doesn't change.
  7. I made a quick Remote Tech CFG for the control station. might be a little OP on range but that was simply for testing. I can change it to whatever but I have no clue how to send a file.
  8. I was thinking it could be, or maybe another mini rover, could drive around while the Karibou is locked down and unpacked. It can sit collecting resources like Karbonite, water, ore or whatever other jobs you give it while having a smaller rover drive around possibly scouting for other resources or driving back to the Kolonization set up to manage that. Possibly a small transporter one that fits to run back and forth. Also would make less trips if you could carry a small one with you vs a special trip for another one. If the one that comes with the UKS mod isn't that useful, perhaps have one that does fit. What about the exploration parts perhaps? I know that cab is fairly small and use the Karibou wheels. Just thinking out loud here but maybe there is a simple solution. There are very creative people out there, modders and builders alike. Maybe someone came up with something and got it up on youtube.
  9. I love the idea of this rover. It looks good, its very modular and its a great idea. I know there is a small rover that comes with the Kolonization mod that is a nice idea as well. I do however find it odd it doesn't fit in the rover bay with this mod. Maybe not your intent, but maybe you made it with an artist eye or have something your working on you haven't mentioned. I just think it would be cool if it fit. If you dead set with the current one, maybe add a 2nd longer version? If i had modding experience i would do it myself. Hope you don't feel I am trashing your mods cause I like how unique and useful they are.
  10. I have trouble where it tells me I don't have remote control. only way I was able to get it to set off was using the stayputnik MK1 pod on top. I find it odd you get all the parts, but no control until you get unmanned tech. EDIT: I reinstalled the game and used just this mod. The only "fix" I found was using the avionics package but it locks up my staging. If i use the RT-5 SRB, it launches fine. EDIT 2: I was watching Kottabos Games do a review. It showed the nose having electric charge. I assumed it still did and it doesn't. So I attached that mini battery pack and all works. Still want to keep this here in case someone else may run into the same issue.
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