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Everything posted by storm_soldier2377

  1. I actually use them for almost all my rovers. I don't really have a reason to prefer them though other than the fact that they're the fastest and slightly larger. They also fit neatly onto the girders i almost always attach them onto.
  2. Mention all the parts that you rarely or never use and why you don't use them whether they have limited utility or simply don't fit the purposes of whatever you are doing, and maybe give others ideas how to use them. Here's my list: Mk3 Cargo Ramp - Limited size of the cargo that can fit and the difficulty of making an SSTO that uses one. Any jet engine other than the Whiplash and Rapier - I don't use them because I have limited to no reason to build a plane that can't carry cargo to space. Mk1-2 Command Pod - Too heavy, prefer to use the lander can instead Rovermax XL-3 - Never encountered the need to build rovers that big. Mk3 passenger module - I don't think I will ever need to carry around 16 kerbals at a time. 3x2 solar panels - 1x6 panels looks better and fit smaller spaces than the 3x2s. Stayputnik - Flying without SAS is a pain in the poophole. Flea and Hammer SRB's - Used them to get to suborbit, never again after I unlocked the Thumper. Vector engine - Too powerful for 1.25m stacks and too expensive for anything else. I prefer to use a Mainsail instead. Spark engine - I prefer using terriers instead until it's dinally rendered obsolete by the ion engine. What parts do you find yourself not using? What parts do you use that others could use?
  3. 2-4 Kickback SRBs, Mainsail or Mammoth first stage, Poodle or Terrier last stage.Give or take a middle stage with Skippers or last stages with LV-Ns every now and then.
  4. I am aware of that, but they were functioning as ailerons as I usually turn my pitch off in those make the pitch axis a bit less sensitive as to not accidentally pitch up too much during the ascent and inducing too much drag. Anyway I made a new plane where I managed to squeezed some more wings and canards and it's working much better now.
  5. Okay so I've found a way to land it. Basically point prograde when you've slowed down to about 1400 m/s and do a big flare at 1000m altitude. I did have to add airbrakes and make my ailerons work on the pitch axis though. However now I have to figure out how to land it at KSC. With a Mk2 fuselage plane this is rather easily done regardless from where you deorbitted. This is quite a bit different though.
  6. Remember this is an SSTO, not a shuttle. It just looks like one because the Mk 3 parts are designed to resemble shuttles. I am using Mk3 fuselages to lift probes in orbit that won't fit in Mk 2 cargo bays. I haven't had much time to play recently but i remember haßdving trouble gliding even the smallest planes with the Mk3 parts. I have considered using parachutes and I will try steep descents next time I play. One question. Does parachutes/drogue chutes work at helping your plane slow down on the runway like an Su-25. Never actually tried it.
  7. With the Mk2 parts I have no problem building a spaceplane. I even built one with the panther engines. Its mostly the Mk3 parts I have issue with. Here's a screenshot of it without fuel. As you can see, I haven't angled the wings, I should give that a shot. I don't have airbrakes on, as I am perfectly capable of gliding back to KSC without them, provided my plane generates enough lift of course.
  8. I've been trying to make Mk3 spaceplanes the past while and encountering problems keeping the planes in the sky. I have no problem getting them into space, as that can be solved with the classic KSP solution — just add more thrust. The problem though comes when I am trying to glide back to KSC, as without a lot of thrust they fall like a stone. I am mainly talking Big-S delta wing here, as it seems to have trouble lifting even the smallest Mk3 planes despite appearing to be suited for them. The FAT-455 Wing fares a bit better, but not too much.
  9. Thank you worked like a charm. Was a bit difficult to come by though.
  10. Okay so I am trying to build a mining base on the Mun. I have already added two modules to my base and I am now trying to add my third. Everything went as usual. I built my module, added a skycrane, test said skycrane on Kerbin, build rocket to send it to the mun, and finally go to the mun. But when I finally got to add the module, the stubborn docking ports won't connect. I wasted what was probably more than an hour trying to connect the ports to no avail, even though i could get it to align perfectly. Getting desperate, I sent a probe to connect some RCS thrusters at the back, but that was just another hour wasted as it still doesn't connect. I've tried everything, even gravity hack. What's wrong, how do I fix this?
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