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Everything posted by Mycroft

  1. Probably not the most unique idea, but we should name one after @HarvesteR.
  2. Banned because KSP wheels are FRUSTRATING! I mean seriously, how can a wheel be “blocked” if there is literally NOTHING TOUCHING IT?!?!?!
  3. Banned for changing your avatar.
  4. In that case, I am sorry. It is listed as edited. Last valid number is -76.
  5. Somebody forgot to turn the page Last valid number is -75 Ummm… no editing is allowed
  6. -72 (-) I think the positives have given up...
  7. -69 (-) Sure, why not? @Atlas2342 come help us!
  8. Banned because... umm... Kerbals!
  9. 2/10 I don’t get it. I’m sure I would find it hilarious if I could read Japanese. Or is it Chinese?
  10. Granted. They spark a world war. I wish I had moar likes! More than 25, that is.
  11. Yeah but what I mean is that NASA's reputation to funding ratio isn't always at a 10:1 ratio or something. The ratio fluctuates. See what I mean? Funding is dependent on rep, but not hard linked.
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