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Everything posted by Mycroft

  1. @katateochi, here is the preliminary page for my space cruiser. I plan to add more pictures and text, but since you wanted to see it, here you go: https://kerbalx.com/Mycroft_33/Leviathan I would really appreciate your feed back on how best to improve the page, what with you being a dev and all, you would know how to make it look better. Thanks!
  2. Thank you both so much! If you visited the album, then I'm sure you say how ugly the ship there was. For that, I apologize to your eyes! The only consolation I can offer them is that I am using that ship as a base ship to figure out how KerbalX works before uploading my prize creation (a 28000 ton space cruiser made with B9 and BDArmory). So thank you both! Tell your eyes I said sorry!
  3. So I love KerbalX, and I tried to upload my first craft, but when I went to add pictures, it asked for the album id. What the heck is that? And how do I get it?
  4. Wow! I am floored by that plane! It is a beautiful model, accurate to a T, and just overall the best model plane I have seen in a long time on KSP. It is obvious that a ton of work went into it, and it payed off. Boeing would be so proud!
  5. Looking at my save, it seems actually that I have over twenty crafts to submit, with more in the works. All should fit the criteria as they consist of CMAU's stock weapons systems (from before I got any mods), CMAU's BD fighter series, the ground based AA systems, two tanks, an armored personnel carrier that can withstand most anything short of a plane crashing into it, several different VTOLs, and a heavily armed atmospheric bomber. Is that enough?
  6. I'm not going to be able to submit it, and there was the whole confusion about it, but I would like to show people what craft the fuss is about. So here's the link: http://m.imgur.com/a/OIwg0. It should work, but I'm not sure. Plus, I think it's just awesome. Edit: Yay! The link works! I'm not going to post more on this craft in this forum, as it's not an official submission. Anyone who wants to see more in the future, as well as the craft download link can find it on the Work in Progress Design forum here:
  7. Don't know if anyone's interested, but here are some screenshots of the Leviathan: <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/OIwg0">< Edit: so that failed. Can somebody tell me how to insert an imgur album. I'm on a mobile, and I don't see the imgur button.
  8. Hehehehe! That last part strikes me as hilarious. I don't know why, but I love it. Anyway, yes you do have a point. But, keep in mind that lasers are extremely ineffective against structural panels, in fact I built a stock crew transport specifically designed to withstand any BDArmory weapons. It actually works extremely well. Still you have a very good point, which is why I have to use ships other than my dreadnaught. I did have an idea though that perhaps it could be like this series' Death Star, with an awesome explosion at the end. But even then the problem would be lag. Thank you for pointing that out. And yes, I do plan to submit it. The crew transport. Not the dreadnaught.
  9. P.S. I think I'll post it over at the work in progress forum.
  10. @HatBat, I'm sorry if I seemed overly critical of your stance on mods. I guess I was just disappointed that the hours I spent designing the Leviathan for your series resulted in an unacceptable ship. Looking back, it probably would have been just too huge and laggy to be of much use in the series, and I probably should have seen the change to stock coming, but it probably will make an excellent museum piece on other forums. I've always wanted to build a ship that was so massive it dwarfed the Vab, and now I have. So thanks for the inspiration. I don't completely agree with your stance on mods, but I do see why you made that choice and I didn't quite realize just how clogged with mods you were. Anyway, I hope my major mess up doesn't mean that I'm black-listed, as I have quite a few stock ships that I would still like to submit, and I am actually quite looking forward to designing a stock space battleship. I was quite impressed with your creative designs like the Aegis, and I think I can make something along those lines. I was actually thinking that I could still make a huge space dreadnaught, but it would be less OP. I actually have a few questions. I was thinking that my space battleships might just come with open docking ports for weapons and drop pods, or do you want me to include those in the download. Obviously, they would be in the screenshots, but I don't know if it's worth it to include them in the download. If anyone could tell me what to do here, I'd appreciate it. Side note: Perhaps could you consider using the BD lasers in space? Looking forward to hearing back from you, Mycroft, CEO of CMAU
  11. Granted. You too get stuck on Mars. Only you are the sole survivor of a catastrophic MDV crash, are heavily wounded, and there is no ship coming to rescue you. I wish I could include my massive B9 space dreadnaught in my submission to HatBat.
  12. Yes, I'm very well aware of this, but I kinda think that he's still missing out on a whole new level of coolness. I completely understand why, I just don't like it it, I guess. It's kinda sad. But, I do have a plan. I have quite a few other ships that I had been planning to submit that are stock or had BD Armory from back when that was the only mod I had. I'm still going to submit those, and I can make more. Perhaps I can add sabotage to the back story to say that soon after CMAU went public with their support of HKA, GMI managed to sabotage their space fleet or something. With a crew of 220, you can hardly know everyone. @HatBat, is that okay? I'm sorry for the confusion on my part.
  13. Damn. And I had such a cool backstory. And yes, it is a colossal ship. Personally, I think it would be awesomer if he would allow mods in space, especially B9. I think he's missing out on a ton of potential.
  14. @HatBat, I just launched a new capital class space battleship in my save, and I was wondering two things: 1. I was wondering if submissions are still open since it seemed like the series was completed from what I saw on your YouTube channel. 2. If so I have a ship I'd like to submit and since, due to computer problems, it is very hard for me to post ships to the Internet, I wanted to run a few of its stats by you and see if you're potentially maybe interested. If you could get back to me on this then I would be ecstatic, but I do understand you probably have hundreds of people who are submitting ships to you. Anyway, here goes: First thing you need to know is this is an absolute monster, like a flagship size. I don't have the length, but upended, it is taller than the VAB. Her name is the Leviathan. Mods: B9 Aerospace HX (I'm not entirely sure if it has parts from the other packs since I downloaded all of them, but I'm fairly certain that it only uses those parts.), BD Armory (duh), Lack Luster Labs, but it only uses the surface attached bridge, and KJR (while it has no parts in it, it's kind of a must). Also recommended is a texture compresser. Crew capacity: 220 with LLL bridge. Mass (wet): 28,800 metric tons. TWR: 0.90 on ClosedCycle mode, 0.20 on HybridPlasma mode. Weaponry: 9 BDArmory Abrams Tank Turrets, 4 BDArmory Goalkeeper Turrets, and Airborne Lasers. Parts: 380 or so. Other features: it has one large hangar bay for ships (and by large, I mean roughly the size of the Fortress), and another slightly smaller bay for crew modules. This should give a rough description of the prototype. My plan is to submit it as part of the HKA fleet, and I am working on a backstory and title for the manufacturer. It is expensive as all hell, but I think it's worth it. I have several features planned, mostly details and refinements. I also have planned several small fighters, and a tank. If your still interested-ish, I can PM you more detailed stats, and if you are definitely interested, then I'll post the ship to KerbalX with all the stats and details I can think of. I have included a booster that can get it to space, but requires infinite fuel as the delta-v required to ship it to orbit is absolutely indescribable. This may change, since it's my top priority right now. In this case (and I don't hardly ever even consider this) I would actually recommend HyperEdit to get it to orbit, just cause it is a real pain in the ass to fly. If you can manage it, I would LOVE to hear back from you. If you're not interested, please be Simone as to tell me why. If I don't hear back in the next month or so, I'll assume you're not interested, and I will be sad. Love your series! Edit: I did read the rules, and I had a question: At the very end, I saw that you said that the only mod allowed was BDArmory, but in your videos, I saw numerous crafts that had B9 parts in them, and I could have sworn I saw a few Lack Luster Labs parts. What? I'm confused. Could you please clarify this?
  15. Here we go! It’s called ‘Hangar Extender’ and the link is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59703-10-hangar-extender-v33/#comment-893599 This isn’t something I’d normally need, but I just got B9 Aerospace, so yeah. By the way, if you like building ridiculously large rockets, B9 is the way to go.
  16. I know there is one, I’ve seen it in action, and am trying to find it myself, but don’t know what the name is. I’ll let you know if I find it. Happy Hunting!
  17. After almost month of trying, I’m still not able to get OPT to work in 1.1.3. Am I the only one with this problem?
  18. Apologies to both. That was the name of the folder I dropped into my GameData folder, I mistyped it. So here's what happened: A few days ago, I downloaded the folder from the link I got from @stali79, entitled "OPT Master. Today, I put that folder in my GameData folder for KSP 1.1.3. I then launched KSP. I created a new sandbox save for the purpose of testing the parts. I entered the SPH, and saw that only the stock parts were shown. So I relaunched KSP. Same thing. I then followed the link I was given again, saw that the mod had been updated since my download, redownloaded it and got the folder with the really long name listed above, and deleted the old one. That habit has long been hammered into me. I launched KSP again, with the debug menu open. I saw that the parts appeared to be loading, but when I entered my save, the exact same thing occurred. That was when I posted. Then I downloaded Module Manager, installed the .dll, and relaunched AGAIN. Same exact thing. My next plan was to download FS and try again, but the reason why I decided against downloading it before was because I figured the parts would at least be there, if they didn't exactly work. It appears that this is not so. I haven't the faintest idea why it isn't working, and I would have started digging in the .config files, but I ran out of time. Hope this helps clarify.
  19. Update: Module Manager does not fix it. I didn’t think it would, but I thought it was worth a try. Also, I noticed that the Firespitter Plugin is no longer included. Is this intentional, or has there just not been enough time?
  20. Okay, so I finally got around to starting in on the mod, downloaded the newest version, and put the file "OPT-062b97bb82e47eb6dd6436e80604970b2a24d265” in my GameData folder. That file was the one I downloaded from the link @stali79 sent me, but when I launched the game, NONE and I mean NONE of the parts loaded in to the game. What could I have done wrong? The Debug menu showed the parts being loaded, but had several warnings that I didn’t have time to read before they flashed out of site. If anyone is interested, I can send them the log in a PM. EDIT: Apologies for not getting to it till now, but the last few days were crazy. I’m going to try getting Module Manager, and see how that works.
  21. Sooo I have 1.1.x. Is this mod compatible? If I install it, what will happen?
  22. Granted. Is there any worse curse? I wish I could be on time to places.
  23. It explodes due to overheating. I launch a massive tourist mission that lands successfully lands on both the Mun and Minmus with fuel to spare. Make the failure interesting!!! [insert evil laugh of choice]
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