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Everything posted by Isidor10

  1. Thanks @sal_vager, that's fixed it. For reference purposes, I'm running OSX El Capitan (version 10.11.3) on a mid-2012 Macbook Pro with 8GB RAM and standard Intel HD Graphics 4000. All crashes happened when running in full-screen mode, I neglected to test if the same happened when running windowed.
  2. Have you tried verifying the game cache? (In Steam [assuming you got it there] right-click on the game and go Properties>Local Files>Verify integrity of game cache) If not, something could've gone wrong during the download - it might be worth deleting everything and re-downloading the game (Steam>right click on game>delete local content) Don't forget to back up your saves folder first!
  3. While trying to launch my newly-assembled in-place miner/refinery into LKO for future acceleration to the Jool system, I've encountered a bug - this ship https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BydC01hwsfF1RTVmdFlqLVJFQTQ&usp=sharing loads just fine onto the launchpad, and the first stage takes it to ~50 km. But then, when I tried to begin the second stage: Disaster! Staging the decoupler or decoupling it manually (i.e. by right-clicking) causes the whole game to crash. I've included the relevant logfiles in the folder above.
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