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Everything posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. Banned for having an X in your username
  2. A solid blue expanse of what is esentially land? No thanks
  3. More days please! Due to school, I haven't been able to play KSP and I for one would love the chance to get some kerbals
  4. I believe the correct term is "platypusekdifjhdhdifjbbKaiakakamdnjfkdndjdjenenjdkdkdndb" Yup. Looks correct to me.
  5. CRS-10 has been delayed to Feb 15, as everyone expected
  6. 10/10 The web browsers are evolving...
  7. Not sure if it would count, but I guess my location is a code
  8. 9/10 I see you nearly everywhere I go
  9. 4/10 I can't believe I've not seen you more, considering your post count
  10. Who has the highest post count on the forums? Is it @sal_vager?
  11. Aw. The booster landing is what I look forward to the most. However, SES-9 was 5.2 tons, and they tried a droneship landing... I didn't know that 300 kilos would make such a difference
  12. I've seen many vids where people burn straight at the Mun, and then a few hundred kilometers above its surface, they flip around and perform a suicide burn until they reach the surface. So yeah, I guess it's possible in KSP, at least in the relatively small distances of the Kerbin system. Not sure how well it would work when going to another planet, though.
  13. Well, Geldren and Carl are stuck in a highly eccentric solar orbit, with an apoapsis past Eeloo and a periapsis below Moho. Due to the difficulty of a potential rescue mission, Kongress decided that the two kerbonauts would have to fend for themselves...
  14. I'll be entering this contest tomorrow... fish for dinner anyone?
  15. Thanks for the reply, but since posting that, I've done some research and decided on the WL Toys Q-303A, which has a 1-axis camera gimbal and 5.8gHZ FPV. It's only a bit more expensive than the CX-32S, so I think it's a very good deal for the price. It has a respectable flight time as well (7-8 mins).
  16. Or the devs could just allow us to actually walk around via WASD keys
  17. Yeah, I thought so. Would be cool if they could pull off a 9-day turnaround, though.
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