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Everything posted by TheEpicSquared

  1. I got -Na3N once... Sounds like an exotic element. Forumium perhaps?
  2. So, are we focusing on a HTP+napalm hybrid or an HTP+kerosene/gasoline/etc liquid? Or will we discuss both in the whitepaper? (Would make for quite a long paper, but I don't mind)
  3. *hopes harder* We all should keep spamming Musk on twitter about it until he answers
  4. I have some ideas, I'll draw them when I get back home.
  5. I agree. Would save mass and money on a separate recovery system for the fairings. Also, less separation events, which means less failure points.
  6. He's probably over in the "Amateur rocket to orbit" thread.
  7. So, are we going to make a whitepaper on this or something? @sevenperforce You said something about it.
  8. Eight SuperDracos are overpowered for orbital maneuvers. I think they'll use the Draco thrusters for orbital maneuvering.
  9. No more propulsive landing for Dragon 2, in the short-term at least
  10. Interesting. He also doesn't seem very reassured about the success of FH in its first flight...
  11. More modeling today. Inline O-10 Puff monopropellant engine: ^ I'm particularly pleased with the circular lip at the exit of the nozzle. Looks quite a bit like the existing radial Puff, IMO. Inline Vernier engine: ^ This one was pretty simple. The final product will be TweakScale compatible.
  12. Yeah, that's a problem. On the bright side though, we get good numbers for the few seconds that we are supersonic.
  13. Well, probably not for supersonic speeds, but we could get reliable data for the subsonic portion of the flight.
  14. @Steel Yes, I do mean CFD software. We could use that for preliminary testing and when we have some numbers, a scale model could be built and put in a real wind tunnel to confirm the numbers.
  15. There's been some issues with the email we've been using for the forum, so unfortunately I'll have to make a new one and restart the forum. I'll try to find another hosting site, 'cause some of you have had problems with this one. Also, I'm going on vacation to Greece tomorrow, but I'll try to get as much done today as possible. Sorry for the delay
  16. I only have a 1:1.31316187595 ratio. Ah well, I don't really care.
  17. Mine is hoping that a heavily-modded KSP loads all the way without freezing or crashing...
  18. Nothing in KSP, instead spent more time modeling: I think the modeling for this one is done. Now to download it and export it to Blender for texturing. Next I'll probably start on the inline RTG (will be fully TweakScale compatible, of course).
  19. Good, a lower TWR would be better. That could work. I never thought about loading through the top instead of the bottom. The ablative portion of the nozzle would have to be replaced every flight but that's relatively trivial. Single-stick is good. And a 25-30cm core is fine, with the same diameter for the strap-ons and second stage.
  20. 1. http://ksp.deringenieur.net/ 2. http://www.calculator.net/ 3. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ 4. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page Everything is accessible through the web, an app isn't necessary,
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