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Everything posted by Electr0ninja

  1. I added the chunk of code shown in for testing : (since rendermanager isn't a thing anymore) It seems that the display does appear on the top left hand side of the screen without a window. I am probably missing something simple, but I have been unable to find any documentation through my searches. Example code, Any advice on what I am doing wrong, or a point in the right direction to find more documentation for the gui draw system used by ksp would be amazing.
  2. List of guaranteed upcoming features for the next update: Auto-Jettison valve flow toggle for preset variable speeds ( for like 1/s - 10/s - 100/s ratios for example) New GUI window for Engineer Assist Module List of hopeful additions for this or future updates that come to mind:(order of list is not meaningful)(Feel free to comment on these.) Fixing more of the 45 adapter mirror attachment woes(still have a couple areas to deal with) LF-OX refinery module for producing Liquid-fuel and Oxidizer from seawater and air, using electrolysis and cryogenic distillation. ( would work while splashed down on laythe or kerbin ) Add electric charge drain for the Engineer Assist Module while in use. Ablative mk1 nose cone Mk2 side Attachable fuel tanks.(probably with engine mounts on the back)
  3. can you try to keep images as links, so we don't blow through entire pages in 5 posts.
  4. I will definitely play with it to see what I can do, may work and look decent.
  5. can't have concave shapes. because of the colliders but if you can find a way to draw those without concave bits, we can try it.
  6. I am already working on a mk2 fighter cockpit for the commission I mentioned. and you mean a fuel tank that radially attaches to a round tank? for extra fuel? I could make streamlined fuel tanks that look like wider version of the hypersonic intake
  7. @Rocket Surgeon , like one that fits on the flat side of a mk3? or do those already exist? but if you can think of anything shoot me a drawing or something. I finished reverse engineering the mk2-form from scratch so i can make m2 parts when I get some time. I already have one commissioned.
  8. Got the update done, hopefully it is to your(plural) liking.
  9. The isMirrored member doesn't do anything in the editor currently, may be a bug idk, but I even set up a 1 second time delay thread so I could check the value after the OnEditorAttach() function was done. And nothing, it seems that the isMirrored member may never actually get set at all. Might just be dead code.
  10. Does anyone know how to get the in-editor call back functions to fire, like void OnEditorAttach() ? Mono claims there is a link, but it doesn't seem to do anything. I am just try to write a debug string to the debug console for testing. nvm figured it out, now I am working on getting isMirrored to give me a valid result. hmm, is seems that ismirrored is set after attachment, that is not so useful.
  11. List of upcoming features for the next update: Better engineer assist module texture. Cleaner display for engineer module. Auto-Jettison toggle for the resource jettison module with higher flow rate for large resource dumps.(aka leaving the hatch open, and just opening the valve) Add electric charge drain for the assist module while in use. Find more parts to add.(hopefully someone will suggest some...hint...hint) Will probably update tomorrow, or the day after, depends on schedule. (hopefully I can get this mod to version 1.0 by day 10 of it's development)
  12. Update is done, have fun, and report any bugs please.
  13. I have 3 of the 4 new textures done, working on the last one now, and it's a big-n because it is the 45 adapter. Also thank you, I am glad to hear my work in appreciated.
  14. Figured it out, I was using the wrong particle effect, Working code below, I just has to call the effect through the plugin.
  15. Well I found a callback function which would let me fix the editor thing with the 45 degree adapter, but for the life of me, I can't seem to get ksp to invoke "part.OnEditorAttach()" when I attach a part in the editor, on another part. Code: Constructor get's called, so I know my part config actually calls the module, but the other functions never get called. Anyone have any ideas why OnEditorAttach() doesn't seem to fire? Because I should be able to fix symmetry for this part in the event of mirror mode using these two functions. Side Note: Also good news, I got the jettison module to jettison fuel, play a sound, and provide thrust relative to the mass being ejected. now it just needs the rcs-like effect.
  16. @sarbian, nvm I figured out what I was doing wrong, I am just using a model_multi_particle effect now. Now if I can figure out why it is always turned on to half power when I load the craft I will be good. Is always on, for some reason. Not at full power, like when I trigger the event, but it is always on to a lesser degree. If I figure this out, I will be sure to post what I find.
  17. Well I redid the entire 45 degree model, made it a 100% perfect tapered cylindrical collision mesh(can surface attach stuff to it once I update), got the entire thing aligned using the nodes along the center of mass. Offset problem is fixed, but mirror mode flips the model like a jerk. So I decided to put a large warning label on the part advising against mirror mode. I guess that ksp mirror just isn't meant for a non-symmtrical 45 degree adapter. (Still working on a fix, might be possible) side note: @RocketSurgeon, thanks
  18. I am trying to get access a unity ParticleSystem through my plugin, and jet_particle = part.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>(); doesn't seem to grab the ParticleSystem. The ParticleSystem in the unity scene is directly under the game object in the hierarchy. (jet_particle is an instance of ParticleSystem.) I am sure the solution is obvious, I am just not seeing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Example animation of the new fuel jettison module I am making. http://imgur.com/a/GHLG5 ^ anyone know how to embed a gif?
  20. @stickman939 yeah like it would clip into the tank , and have a round attachment on the top and bottom. for air intake and engine
  21. wish it could be fixed, but every fix just breaks more things lol. You can always just not use symmetry once you get to those parts, and place them 1 at a time. Also, if someone volunteers to make a stock-alike texture, I can make a part specifically for attaching radially, that lets you attach vertical engines.
  22. Fair enough, I can use a rectangle collider and it would work just fine(unity won't mind), but collisions would be very inaccurate. since the rectangle would either keep you from getting close to the side of the part, or i would let you clip into the part upon a collision. Note: And I did use the bz-52 in my mirror and radial symmetry tests, as the base attachment part. Plan: I will try to find a point that will be good for part to surface attach. might be able to get it working.
  23. First note( making a 45 degree angled part work in ksp is hard. The editor doesn't like it, the colliders setup doesn't like it. And part mirror doesn't like it.)(any advice of methods to fix these would be greatly appreciated) I wish that it could be fixed, but in order for the attachment nodes to work at a 45 degree angle, the center of mass is mathematically not going to be aligned with the part in mirror mode, radial symmetry will probably be okay. The current method that will work is to align your cubic octagonal strut where you want it, then attach the parts radially. In regards to surface attachment, it can be done. But since the collider is not 100% perfect (due to it not being concave) it could produce some minor issues. I can give you a link to a modified config for surface attachment if you wish.(or you can just change the part config file to allow it) I could however align the center of mass with the bottom node so that it attaches correctly when you use the bottom for the attachment, but it would be 2x as bad if you used the other side. SOLUTION: after you offest everything where you want it, just reattache the 45 degree adapter and then everything after it in the part tree. Say if you have an engine, just reattach the 45 to the cubic strut, then reattach the engine. @Rocket Surgeon , Thank you . Glad it is of help, took all night.
  24. 9/26/16 Added a new Part, The "Engineer Assist Module" right click it to access the information display, contains all the information you should need for simple orbital maneuvers and landing. (Shows inclination, and indicates when you reach an Ascending node and a Descending node using the Latitude indicator.(hint. if your latitude is 0, you are at a AN/DN .)
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