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Everything posted by Electr0ninja

  1. I figured out the fix for the part cost if you want to see how I fixed it, also once hit reach stage 0 using the standard staging method the beacon attempts to initialize all on its own and then shutdown down until it had enough electric charge, then does it again without my consent. I looked over your initialization and shutdown code, and I don't see anything wrong with them so I am unsure. I will run another test and grab a screenshot for you.
  2. ok i got the resources tweakable, but the cost is a bit messed up, and as soon as I get to my last stage the beacon tries to constantly activate and shut off using all the electric charge. By "the cost is a bit messed up" I mean the objects show negative cost until I add the karborundum. any tips? ps. I am using 0.8 ESDL and 5.4 CRP also I have some programming skill if you need help ever, I can always give it a go. Fixes: 1)I got the resource cost to work appropriately by having the part configs that contain the karborundum resource start full, instead of empty. 2) I got the part cost to work by increasing to starting cost in the config file by the cost of the contained karborundum.
  3. I just installed it like 2 minutes ago and it is not a tweakable resource, is the spacedock packaged mod not the newest version? edit: checking CRP versions now It seems the spacedock upload has an old version of CRP bundled with it I snagged the newest version and all is well
  4. Is it possible to allow the karborundum tanks to be fillable in the editor. for those of us without the mod that collects karborundum? Or is said mod required?
  5. What they said^, also if you decide not to keep it going would you allow others to work on it?
  6. I would like to formally volunteer to help with this project. I have several years of programming experience and some web development experience, as well as extensive Linux experience. If there is any more information you would like just pm me.
  7. @SirCmpwn I would also like to thank you for all the time and effort you put forth, I am sorry things turned out the way they did. It was a good run while it lasted. By the way, you're awesome. Also I would like to offer my services as a volunteer for anyone who decides to pick up the project. I am mostly a programmer, but I have some web development experience. (plus a ton of linux experience)
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