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Everything posted by Nerfclasher

  1. No I choose @Red Iron Crown and @Frybert
  2. Not all of them were pinned for example BDArmory Continued was not pinned
  3. @Raptor9 I love using your crafts in my videos and I even give you a name mention in some
  4. What would make it nice it is because gravity turn does the predicting so it simplifies making launch scripts
  5. What I mean was that I wanted to turn off the gui and have a script hit start for me so I can record What I mean was that I wanted to turn off the gui and have a script hit start for me so I can record
  6. RIP at least we didn't lose accounts this time around
  7. I wanted to showcase some my videos that I've done using kerbal space program which there are plenty of videos that have done recently Here's my playlist using BDAc by @Papa_Joe and the BDAC team that I used to be part of and here is the video that started me off recording kerbal space program series Here's the rest of my series that I have recorded I can truly say I've definitely played kerbal space program fully as I set as my goal in my beautiful trailer
  8. Unfortunately I can't give you the title Because I can't retroactively create a new title for you
  9. If i'm not mistaken I'll be the one that is the last one did reply in 2016 but someone would have to be made about 41 minutes
  10. @DoctorDavinci Here we go again you should know that I'm not a software engineer but from my research is how I dug this up also it is like what you would do to force dx 11 but in dx 12 and here one article http://www.roadtovr.com/news-bits-directx-12-coming-unity-5-can-increase-cpu-bound-game-performance-50/
  11. @Scotius Well if it doesn't crash it would be exponentially better performance but with ksp using unity 5.4.0p4 Direct X 12 is considered experimental by unity but if ksp was unity 5.5 it might work better
  12. So more information is that it is not fully supported with ksp but unity has a command line so the ball is in squad's court because it crashes at the start screen
  13. force-d3d12 is what you can use to test and it shows in the log as Directx 12 and to the devs if you are interested here are my logs ;yes I know it is modded heavily logs logs and to the KSP Community your welcome
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