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  1. I figured out which piece it is. It says b9 cockpit. So I took off the cockpit but it still won't let me load it in just a vanilla and bd armory save game. It literally won't load even without a cockpit attached and I tried saving the back half as a sub assembly but it dissappears.
  2. That 3v3 battle was awesome. Could you try out mine in a 3v3 match. I don't mind who I am against.
  3. I got it figured out it was the wing tips where the missles were sitting. I updated the download file. But not the pics it looks the same for the most part still. https://db.tt./Et0hLqbn
  4. Could u tell me which part is b9. So I can start redesigning. I was already on the roster so I thought I was good to go.
  5. After doing some more runs with the "JETFIRE 3K" I was able to take turns at 855m/s and pull 42g. This is without updating the plane in anyway. For proof go to the craft file link on the Main page and check out some pics I put up. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on my aircraft as well.
  6. If someone could post a little info on how to change flight computer settings I would appreciate it.
  7. Well here is my design. It can pull 15g turns. It has plenty of fire power and countermeasures and is also highly maneuverable. I think it should do ok. I'll try and get some pictures up. "Jetfire 3K" https://db.tt/Et0hLqbn
  8. I like the project your working on. I think it could add alot of features to a game I have an addiction to. I read in this forum your not much of a 3d modeler. If you need a hand I wouldn't mind helpin you out. I'm currently going to school to become a 3d artist and have used Unity before. I'm not a pro by any standard, but working on a project like this for this game would be amazing. Plus it'll be some more experience.
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