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Everything posted by darkracer125

  1. it seems that stock airplane parts do not work in my game. c7 aerospace does not provide lift. (centre of lift icon is set firmly on the ground) and when right clicking control surfaces it does not allow me to set pitch yaw and roll. they are just structural parts. i do have other mods. but people have told me that ferram is the culprit. is there any fix for this. they do provide lift. but in the same way as a fuel tank provides lift. c7 aerospace devision. and the winterowl aircraft emporium. any parts from those 2 manufacturers provide no control or extra lift.
  2. i hate to be a pain in the ass. but i kindof noticed a bug. alot of stock parts. have negative volume in the inventory. http://prntscr.com/a8wqii BUT it's kindof weird. example. the inventory needs to be big enoegh to be able to carry the part. http://prntscr.com/a8wrqv but then when i put the part in http://prntscr.com/a8ws1u i can now put in bigger engines (with negative volume) http://prntscr.com/a8wsb5 oh can't fit. no problem just add more Sparks. http://prntscr.com/a8wsh6 now. i do the same for the nerv. http://prntscr.com/a8wsnw http://prntscr.com/a8wst8 and now i have an insanely large storage. http://prntscr.com/a8wt1l on a rover. (scaled down the mobile lab to fit on a rover inside of a 3.75m service bay. so when scaling parts the inventory grows and shrinks with it. i could have just scaled it up. put the nerv in and scaled it down again. but this way you guys have a short example of this bug.
  3. how does the alive beep work? i take it into space high orbit around kerbin. but i only get 1.2 science each time. and there is 360 science per biome. am i doing something wrong? or am i just supposed to carry 300 alive beeps up into space bounded to a hotkey?
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