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  1. So, there is a way After conversion it`s working flawlessly, thanks.
  2. But... Memory usage... With 8 gigs of ram in dx9 game is crashing A LOT. I don`t experience this in dx11. Besides, textures are suppose to be stored in vram There is no other way to get rid of this stripes (scanlines) in dx11?
  3. @Omegaton It happens to me too. It has something to do with scatterer, directx 11 and some broken shaders. In dx9 mode everything is fine.
  4. Alt-0 That is Zero, not an O. For me, reasons unknown, in the newest version of EVE GUI doesn't working at all. Surprisingly, it worked with previous version. @rbray89, any thoughts? EDIT: Never mind, everything is ok now. Turns out that I have two EVE folders: one in proper place and the other in different mod folder.
  5. But with this setting screenshots are taken in game resolution multiplied by supersampling factor. Other words: they are really huge and detailed.
  6. I just realized that there is no custom sunflares on my screenshots. Ingame all looking good, but when I hit F1, flare blinks for a second (probably time to save SS). Log shows nothing unusual at all, but I can provide it if needed. With previous version of scatterer everything works fine.
  7. @Phineas Freak: yea, RVE uses it, but I can`t figure out how. I`ll try again later, though. It will be much more flexible way.
  8. I just find a way to have better sun with SVE. Old fashioned way with editing shared assets, but it works flawlessly. I can make a tutorial afternoon if you like. EDIT: Oooor, just download sharedassets9.assets from THIS post and replace it. It should work.
  9. Hello. Is there a way to extract sun from KSPRC and add to this mod? I tried many ways, but nothing works. BTW: @Nhawks17 thanks for this mod, really great work, it`s my favourite!
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