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  1. Hi to everyone. I have read a couple of last pages, and if i am understand correctly rp0 is currently playable with last RO 1.2 test release. My english is not so good, so i just wanted to clarify this. So simple question: can i play rp0 with prerelease RO version right now, without facing some game breaking troubles? Or should i just get all 1.1.3 versions and don't ask stupid questions? To be honest, last time when i was playing RO-RP0 on 1.1.3 couple of months ago i was very happy with everything, good performance and stability, very few crashes, and i am sure at 90% that 1.1.3 is my choice right now, but since there is a new RO version i must ask before starting long install and cleanup process. Also i see some new faces that working on these amazing mods, so must say big thank to all of you, and of course big thanks to all of "veterans".
  2. If i may, i suggest you to not delete any features right now. Wait till RO comes to 1.2.2, there will be a lot more people with RSSVE to test it. Players with good gpu can achieve better quality and those who wish for good fps will always be able to turn off some features. I have some simple screenshots with fps comparisons now. If needed i will post them here.
  3. Not much, but it gave me +10 fps when lifting up to higher atmosphere. I don't think pqs is the problem, there is still massive fps differences between my 1.1.3 with RVE and 1.2.2 with RSSVE. I will make some screenshots of my 1.2.2 and 1.1.3 but it will take some time, i need clean reinstall 1.1.2 and RSSVE and wait infinity to 1.1.3 load
  4. I did read wiki, and turned off volumetric. There is a difference in fps but its not that big. With all volumetrics off and disabled ocean i still get only ~40 fps on launch pad, and down to 23 fps in flight? So what fps do you get with your gtx760? Again, thank you for your time.
  5. Thank you so much for your work. Now i can't wait till RO/RP0 updates to 1.2 to play with this. Did a little test with clean 1.2.2 KSP. I am curious how RSSVE perform on different pc's. On clean RSS i get 120-140 fps on launchpad, and with RSSVE its only 30 fps, on altitude above 20km fps drops to 20-15, and at some point when i leave atmosphere fps suddenly jumps back to 100+ I have 3570k@ 4.2 and radeon r9 280x 3gb.
  6. Hello. First of all, thank you very much dear Linuxgurugamer, this mod is absolutely awesome. Right now i planning to play RSS/RO/rp0 KSP, but since many mods are still on 1.1.3 version i was needed your "Janitor Closet" to be compatible with 1.1.3 as well. I downloaded VisualStudio and trying to compile newest sources with Assembly-CSharp, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass, KspAssets, UnityEngineUi and UnityEngine dll's from 1.1.3 game, but get errors. When i add KspCore and KSPUtil dll's everything compile without errors, and in game everything work fine. Can i do that or i just break things? Sorry for stupid question and bad english.
  7. I dont think irc for me is good idea, because my english not so good and it takes eternity for me to write something. The only question i have is about parts costs. I understand that you guys want to keep real prices in rp-0 but there is not much info in google about that. I realized that to add parts in rp0 its easy, the most difficult is to find the real prices. This is the reason why we have so many non-rp0 parts even with fully RO mods? How should do in cases when cost of part is not available in internet but you really want that part?
  8. Works fine for me. I dont see any reasons why it dont work for you. Maybe you use force-opengl/d3d11? Sometimes one little thing messes all, and you cant see it right before your eyes
  9. Hi everyone. Little question here. I really love Raidernick's mods (US/Soviet probes/rockets, spacecrafts, Cygnus-Antares, Skylab, Fasa), many parts is non-rp0 but they really fit in historical playthrough like rp-0, so i would like to keep them in my game unless they really will cause serious imbalance. I pruned all non-real fuels engines and all parts that relate to them. Beside of Raidernick's mods, Bobcat's Soviet Engines, and recommended by rp-0 mods i have no others parts packs. So, is it okay to play like that or it will cause some problems in future? Right now i just started career, launched several sounding rockets, so its not too late to wipe all non-rp0 mods right now. Google translate, my apologies if something wrong Edit: somehow i ended up in Tree.yml. Seems like it works for me and im happy with it (Cygnus and Antares, Proton, some non-rp0 Skylab parts). I wanted to know whether I 'm doing it right or wrong. I follow CTT nodes , but the prices are almost all at random, based on similar parts. Github scares me to death. I would be very happy if I could help developers RO/Rp0 even with such simple things, unless of course I'm doing all right. Please do not laugh at me
  10. Delete any EVE, Scaterer, BoulderCo folders in GameData and try again. Grab this EVE (click) for RVE, wors fine for me. Scaterer and RVE links you already have.
  11. I absolutely love all your mods, and now use them in my rss/ro playtrough. Just wanted to say THANK YOU.
  12. +Fasa. 4003mb with force-d3d11, without dx11 memory goes up to ~6Gb. I have 8Gb ram.
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