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Everything posted by samuel9900

  1. I have been playing ksp for quite a while now, mostly building mediocre tanks and planes, but recently I created a very silly and surprisingly useful land vehicle. It's powered only by reaction wheels. On it's ends I added wheels and landing legs (for safe spinning on the side and jumping) and also enough RTGs to power it even at full speed. Specs: Part count: 50 Top safe speed: 25m/s Torque: 80 Mods used: Kerbal foundries link: https://kerbalx.com/samuel9900/Spiny
  2. Thank you so much! My plane even flies better (somehow...)
  3. The Kerbistan navy has completed a basic survey of the possible Caldera (Unless triplecanoes exist, it's probably not a caldera) Please also notice the small hole near the shore on the "Caldera" image. (Pardon the unrelated images, I edited them out in imgur but they didn't disappear in this for some reason)
  4. The Kerbistan Navy and Naval Aviation will join this quest for knowledge!
  5. I know this is probably a stupid question, but I made a dihedral plane which works great in flight, but when it lands it automatically drifts to the side. If I try hard enough it looks badass but usually it just destroys the whole plane. I looked at the veering off solutions and I didn't find a working one for my situation.
  6. So far I built 2 ships, but I don't really know how to build nice looking superstructures
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