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Darth Jeb

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Everything posted by Darth Jeb

  1. Hey you can probably use kerbal foundries mod to make it hover.
  2. Thanks the maker ! you see, my profile pic uses it. May the Force be with us !
  3. you sould really consider making the death star laser or probably the whole thing. but please put the death star laser on the top of your list.
  4. I am also desperately waiting for someone to remake this death star so that we could use it with newer versions of ksp. does anyone know how to do some cfg file editing etc. So that it could be made compatible ?
  5. Congratulations for your first mod ! An important point to note is that you need to have a licence and if you do then mention it and provide a link for the same. good luck!
  6. This is really amazing! Is there any way I can get it ?
  7. No I don't think that one exists. But you can download the black suit from Universe replacer or the green skull custom suite and the Darth Vader helmet. The combination will look like Darth Vader .
  8. I know that it is dumb to ask but where is your signature? (I am fairly new to KSP and the forum )
  9. Can you please tell where is it ? (The subforum) Why /how is the thread closed to further replies ? Thanks in advance
  10. Thank you very much for giving so much attention to our website. We assure you that we will not let your expectations from this website go down. Thanks again for your support. Update 1 : an RSS feed is added
  11. Hey I am using ksp 1.0.5 and whenever i use the viol wing sections, they get detached automatically on the runway . I haven't yet tried the other parts in 1.0.5. They work fine in ksp 1.0.2
  12. Thanks for your advice A tutorials section is created and will soon be updated with all sorts of tutorials. Also if you know any tutorial or something unique then you can email me as it is only me and a fellow who is working on this website.
  13. Please review our website Kerbalkind. We really need support to run our website and serve the community . Also please consider providing any content for our website and we will do our level best to put it on the website so that it reaches the whole kommunity. You can email us at kerbalkind@outlook.com Here is our website'sthread :
  14. It's a marvellous peice of work and very helpful during the gameplay Therefore may I have the permition to publish it on my website Kerbalkind So that it can reach an even wider audience ? Here is my website's thread.
  15. Thanks for pointing out the mistake
  16. I know that there are many respectable websites for craft sharing , random discussion, mods etc and I don't intend to replace or compete with them. I just want to create a website for random KSP stuff probably for my satisfaction and goodwil of people. And yes it will have all KSP related content
  17. I am a newbie to KSP and am always fascinated by space flights and rockets. I wanna contribute something to KSP and the community. Therefore I want some content for my newly created website KerbalKind. It could be anything like tutorials, craft files, mod lists and so on that could help newbies like me. Please share your epic discoveries and I will arrange and put them on my website. Note - This was my original website
  18. I really want to play with this mod but I am having KSP 64 bit and do not want to move on to 32 bit or Linux. So is there any way to enable FAR in 64 bit ? Like any .cfg edit ? the same goes for your joint reinforcement mod.
  19. can you please provide an alternate download link? kerbalstuff has shutdown.
  20. which version of the mod should I use for KSP 1.0.2 ? I have tried all but none seems to be working
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