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  • Location
    Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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    Space and everything that comes along with it.

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  1. very interesting. looking forward to this game!
  2. Did some testing for my MTV and HAB Lander. Some pics: Progress is good I have all the spaceships and rockets ready for testing. That's a thing with Constellation It's more testing a craft than flying one! One thing I want to mention is that I removed Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. The game works better without it! YES! This bug is a problem for building my crafts.
  3. I would have liked it to keep it "bone stock" but I'm sick and tired that without Kerbal Joint Reinforcement the rocket keeps falling apart (at least for me). that's also a reason why I took a break from Constellation. In my Orion I have seats for 6 Kerbals. For this Moon Mission I wanted 4 Kerbals but I ascendantly put 6 Kerbals in and didn't notice until I was in Orbit around Kerbin. I'm planning for 4 Kerbals per moon Mission. UPDATE MOON TEST MISSION: I had to Abort The lunar Landing cause of the bad rcs on the Altiar. when the Orion and Altair were docked it was fine but once I undocked the altiar could barely turn around. I cant return to the Vab because of a reload I did. I had to do a free return trajectory back to kerbin in order to save the crew.
  4. Progress is good so far! I'm now testing the Orion And Altiar on a voyage to the Mun. here's a picture I'm also testing the Ares I and V rockets. they are a bit unstable when it comes to staging. will have to fix that later on right now i'm more working on the spacecrafts. PS: is it cheating if I use Kerbal Joint Reinforcement? please let me know.
  5. I know that the Kerbal Engineer Redux mod hasn't been updated yet so maybe try it out? also nice orion!
  6. A break from this project really turned out good. It took me a while but my HAB lander is almost finished I'm working on all the other crafts right now its hard but it will be worth it.
  7. In the SPH click on the "Actiongroup" tab and click actiongroup 1 (or any other group). Once you done that select the Rapier engine(s). then, you will see a bar in the "Actiongroup" tab with all the things the Engine can do. Click "Switch mode". You should now be able to use actiongroup 1 for your ssto. Once in Flight, click "1" on your keyboard and your Engines will "Switch mode" I hope that will solve your problem. I also suggest looking at some ssto building video's on Youtube.
  8. I'm not the "best" at drawing but I thought i'll give it a try. Do you like it?
  9. sigh.... I really don't if I should continue on Constellation. I'm tired of testing these crafts ( everytime its like 4 hours of testing) So might just quit the program.... Sorry :/
  10. thanks man! your crafts looks good, great job! I'm working on a Saturn V and a saturn I. i thought about building a Nova rocket but I'm not sure yet.
  11. I have been working on this project for a month now and decided to take a small break of this project and work on a other project I have been working on. can you guess what it is...?
  12. i used Hyper edit to get it on the surface of duna. its too unstable to land it yet. as for the bug/glitch, I never had any issues with my faring or chutes. I have the same problem. 1 out 3 seperations work. also: Beautifull lander/dav man, nice work!
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