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Everything posted by uk141

  1. Yes. That's my fault. I removed the Extraplanetary Launchpads and all Planetary Base Systems converters work well.
  2. ksp 1.3.1 Planetary Base System 1.5.8 The game mode is science. Where is the button "turn ore into iron"? There are 3 scientists in the laboratory, but there are also no buttons to "turn iron into rocketparts". What am I doing wrong?
  3. OK. I got it. I do not know why, but the GEOScanner and M700 scanner does not work with SciensAlert mod. If you remove SciensAlert, then start working even running scanners.
  4. I reinstalled mod and it still does not work = ( Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Also orbit and electricity need something else? I read the wiki, but it is not written in great detail = (
  5. Yes, I'm sure everything copied. I use ckan to install the modification. Installed mods: KAS KIS SCANsat Toolbar USITools RasterPropMonitor Pathfinder RasterPropMonitor-Core BZ1RadialAttachmentPoint KaribouExpeditionRover ModuleManager WildBlueTools CommunityResourcePack TriggerAu-Flags RoversAndRoadsters FirespitterCore ContractConfigurator KashCorpSA RadialHeatShields
  6. Hello everybody. I had a problem. I have a geo scanner, polar orbit, the height of 110K-120K, a lot of electricity. I pressed the "start scanning" and ... nothing ... I turned off in the settings of breakage and checking skills. What else to do, so he started to work? https://www.dropbox.com/s/e521wcjuvylxri4/%D0%A1%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%88%D0%BE%D1%82%202016-03-15%2018.50.37.png?dl=0
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