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Everything posted by sonicsst

  1. That's pretty much what I'm doing, except with some additional dishes pointed at Eve and Duna. It should work fine.
  2. Be aware of the pitfalls of using Active Vessel, when you switch craft, the old connection will be lost. This has caused problems for more than a few relay networks.
  3. This doesn't seem to have changed anything, the orbital period display still only displays to the second.
  4. If you can see the prograde/retrograde indicators they will help. If you are pointed at the target, apply horizontal RCS away from the prograde or towards the retrograde. As for hard numbers, I think you'll have to use a mod. In my opinion, the lack of important numerical displays is one of the major flaws in stock KSP.
  5. Either MechJeb or KER will provide the horizontal and vertical components. Edit: On further investigation, MechJeb does not provide this information relative to the targeted craft, only the surface.
  6. According to the parachute calculator here: http://ksp.freeiz.com/ you need far less parachute mass to land on eve, even at the highest elevation.
  7. For one thing, that vessel has no power to deploy the antenna. But something is definitely wrong with your install, some things are appearing twice where they shouldn't be. Perhaps you have a duplicate ModuleManager.dll? I'd recommend completely deleting the RemoteTech2 folder and the module manger before reinstalling the plugin.
  8. To enable RT2 functionality you need to configure it using Module Manager. Look at RemoteTech_Antennas.cfg for examples. You can just add it to that file if you want, but I believe Module Manager will read a .cfg file anywhere in the GameData directory.
  9. Wow, that was fast. I really appreciate all the hard work you put into MechJeb, it has greatly enhanced my KSP experience
  10. An extra decimal or two for orbital period would be great. Right now I use Flight Engineer just for that extra digit when setting up satellite constellations.
  11. Do you have the ModuleManager_1_5.dll in your GameData folder?
  12. LOS is line of sight. If one satellite cannot 'see' another because it is obstructed by a planet or moon it cannot form a connection.
  13. Could one of your comsats be targeting 'Active Vessel'? That would cause connections to be lost when you switch vessels.
  14. You're asking for a lot. Some people seem to think programming a new feature is as simple as wishing for it and waving a magic wand. It takes a lot of work.
  15. You didnt look very hard, dev builds are linked in the first post of this thread.
  16. Delay is already a thing. It can be disabled by changing EnableSignalDelay = True to False in RemoteTech_Settings.cfg
  17. Don't be silly. If you can post on a forum, you can post a bug report on github. Bad poster. Don't violate the dont-bite-the-hand-that-feeds-you clause. Be nice to plugin devs, they work for free.
  18. As has been discussed earlier in this thread, the current release of MechJeb causes problems with the throttle with RT2. I believe the solution is either to disable RemoteTech's delay or to use the latest dev build of MechJeb, available at http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/lastBuild/
  19. Its from the old RemoteTech. That functionality hasn't been added to RT2 yet. If you want to change targets you'll either need to switch to that vessel or do it from KSC.
  20. Here's a quick ModuleManager file that will add RT2 to any probe type command pod that doesn't already have it, for those of you who run mods and don't want to add each pod manually. @PART[*]:HAS[#vesselType[Probe],!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:Final { MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive TechRequired = unmannedTech OmniRange = 3000 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } Just save this as anything .cfg and put it in your RT2 folder.
  21. I appreciate the gumption it takes to reply to this with a bunch of requests. Wait, I dont think that's the right word...
  22. Find the MechJeb part in the R&D screen and click on it. Any green research icon with a number in a circle shows parts you haven't "purchased" yet. This will happen when you install a part that requires a tech you already have. Kinda silly.
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