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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum, @SpaceBirb. I'm positive your plus shaped solar panels will be interesting to design with.
  2. Are you out of storage space? Does your boss annoy you? Does the neighbor's dog keep you awake at night? Want to loose a few kilograms quickly and easily? We here at FOOF industries™ are proud to present dioxygen difluoride as an easy solution to most of life's problems, but don't take our word for it, here are some testimonials from valued customers; John "Our heater broke down last winter but thanks to dioxygen difluoride my family stayed toasty warm". Renae "My car wouldn't start and I was late for an appointment, luckily I had some dioxygen difluoride so my worries were over". Micheal "All my life I've had sensitive teeth but after a few drops of dioxygen difluoride, cold water was no longer an issue for me. Thank you FOOF". DISCLAIMER Do not remove this disclaimer under penalty of law. For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully. Void where prohibited. No representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the completeness, accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, or utility of these materials or any information or opinion contained herein. Actual mileage may vary. Prices slightly higher west of the Mississippi. All models over 18 years of age. No animals were harmed during the production of this product. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or events, past, present or future, is purely coincidental. This product not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or company, nor as the adoption or promulgation of any guidelines, standards or recommendations. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent. This product is meant for educational purposes only. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Package sold by weight, not volume. Contents may settle during shipment. No user-serviceable parts inside. Use only as directed. Do not eat. Not a toy. Postage will be paid by addressee. 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  3. Yeah, sorry Mate, you need to upgrade the astronaut complex.
  4. It definitely sounds like you were off the retrograde vector. You can take the science from the experiment and load it in the capsule. If you were having trouble controlling your ship you may be out of power. The second icon down, in the top left is your "resources" - I would keep an eye on this for any vessel without power generation.
  5. Good work on the orbit, Mate and forgetting tests is something I specialize in too. In early career I always build a mk1 pod with 2 science jr's and a heat shield 1.25m with no ablator below (you can right click the part in the VAB and remove it). This always gets me down safely. I'm assuming you were pointing retrograde () in surface mode (left click on the speed indicator above the navball to change modes) on the way down. If you are a bit off while going through the hot part of the descent the science jr is not going to be occluded by the heat shield and may explode, taking the heat shield with it. Did you see any brownish gold bars, that turn red before exploding, on any of the parts?
  6. Welcome to the forum, @t12213roy. I'm from Western Australia and I work in logistics. I'm actually Greek by heritage and wanted to know if you were interested in a free wooden horse?
  7. It only works from the VAB. Hover your cursor on the grey bar, just under the launch button and you should see a drop down menu to select your launch site.
  8. G'day to you, @Fudo. Greetings from Australia.
  9. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @latt mowne.
  10. I'm sorry, Mate, your post got me interested in what it seems like a good list of creatures to read up about and I posted some links with general information. I now realize it was off topic and not helpful to you so I apologize.
  11. Welcome to the forum, @Jeoff. I don't have a console version however you should be able to go back into the debug menu, navigate to cheats and deselect "hack gravity".
  12. Some good links on Trilobites here: https://www.cornellcollege.edu/geology/courses/greenstein/paleo/trilobites.pdf https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/43/1/185/604544 https://www.palaeontologyonline.com/articles/2013/fossil-focus-trilobites/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0031018277900396
  13. I was launching from Woomerang last night and one of my kids said "There's nothing there." I said "It's only just been added to the game, it will probably get some love in the next updates." Kid: "Why don't you just build your own stuff?" Me: "..................?!" Kid: "Maybe they want you to build your own space center." Me: "You get an extra serve of ice cream tonight, buddy." I am in now the process of building a runway and expect much hilarity and explosions to follow.
  14. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Texas Tim. I love that hat.
  15. Just testing and it seems to matter where you "land" on the site. If I click on a page I have already been to since I've accepted the popup it's ok but if I go to a part of the site I haven't visited since the new terms and conditions, I get the popup again.
  16. That's a great composition, Mate. I love the complex melody and the timing of the various sections to the flight. I know the title is Falcon Heavy OST but in my mind I think of this track as "Flight of the Unicorn".
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome I do remember reading a proposal or maybe an article where satellite operators could be required to comply with "One up, one down rules".
  18. Just copy and paste the direct imgur link into the forum textbox and it should show you a preview. The de-couplers and staging look like they should work but I would rebuild the outer booster setup just to make sure. Try placing the decouplers closer to the end of your core stage (If they are placed behind the center of mass of your core stage there is less chance they will interfere with your rocket when staging). You also don't need the FL-T200 tanks on top - these contain incompatible fuel for solid boosters and will just be adding mass. The capsule decoupler will be causing more drag than if you used the TD-12. Solid rockets are cheap but they have some drawbacks. They do not have gimbal (the ability to move around and provide stability and control), they cannot be throttled or shut down in flight and as they empty the thrust to weight ratio goes up quite quickly. I generally just use them to get my rocket off the pad and then stage to liquid fuelled. That said I have seen many players do great missions completely on solids.
  19. Greetings and welcome to the forum, @Monde. The game has a really steep learning curve for beginners. During missions, In the top right hand of screen, there are icons. If you open the contract icon it displays success conditions for each contract you have selected. When you see green ticks before each condition you are good to perform the required action. If you could upload an image of your 'problem rocket' I'm sure the community can help. The way to figure out where to take various reports: Build your vessel (yes, aircraft are great for this), Launch but before you take off, go to the map view. You should see a marker related to a contract you have selected - click on it and select 'activate navigation' - this marker should then appear on your navball.
  20. Greetings and welcome back, @emdebee. I hope you are getting better.
  21. There was in the 70's but not anymore.
  22. I believe the new launch pad is called Woomerang. There is a real launch site in South Australia called Woomera (now defunct) and this is what it looks like:
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