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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. A lot of content has been removed again.

    Please report posts you feel are against the forum guidelines instead of replying or set members you are triggered by to ignore.

    We do understand that this is a difficult time for everyone and that emotions are high but please remember that we used to have the reputation for being the least toxic forum on the internet because of many years of hard work by volunteers creating and enacting the guidelines and policies we have today. Also please remember that many of our members are minors and part of our charter is to keep the forum family friendly. The rules here have come about as an evolution of this so we do ask that you keep discussions civil at a minimum.

    To clarify some issues brought up in now removed content, we only redact content that is in breach of the guidelines - you are welcome to be critical or have dissenting opinions but if you include forbidden content in your posts we are obliged to censor it. We do not allow discussion of moderation in the open forum however we are more than happy to explain general policies to members who wish to PM us or post in the Ask the Mods thread although we will not discuss decisions with members who are not involved in specific incidents.

  2. A lot of content has been removed.

    Please remember that all members are entitled to their own opinion and everyone is entitled to disagree politely but when a discussion devolves into petty bickering and personal attacks that have no bearing on the topic it isn't useful and stifles interesting discourse. If you feel a post has broken the forum guidelines please report it rather than replying and the moderation team will look into it. If you don't like another members opinion then you may either politely disagree or put that user on ignore rather than trying to enforce your opinion someone else. 

    We know this is a difficult and anxious time for many but please remember to temper your emotions because we all have this game we love and this great community in common.

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