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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. My name is James and I am also a kerbaholic.  I agree with all the posts above but I would like to add that I've been playing computer games since 1980 and I have never played a game where I've learned so much about a real world subject than in KSP.  I've never played a game where the community inspires me to push the envelope of my own game play or constantly amazes me with solutions to problems that would never occur to me. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Pthigrivi said:

    I do like that these are becoming part of the gameplay. I'm wondering though if at some point, maybe as part of a biome mapper, there wouldn't be some way to find them without looking them up online. They shouldn't be easy to see, but if you zoomed in and looked carefully in map mode you could spot a little blip on a biome overlay. 

    The Scansat mod does that with the biome scanner.

  3. I only play KSP now (Thanks everyone at squad for a unique and remarkable game) and I only play career mode.  It challenges me in the early game to do more with less and forces me to take contracts I don't feel comfortable doing in order to upgrade KSC or unlock science nodes.  It has taught me to maximise returns from missions (My first kerballed mission off Kerbin in my latest save mined 4 biomes on Minmus and 3 biomes on the Mun for science and profit).  Personally I don't think I would have progressed so far with my understanding of the game without career mode.  Later on career basically becomes a sandbox game when you have all the science unlocked and plenty of Kredits - that's usually when i'll add some new mods and start afresh.

  4. My first interplanetary landing was on Ike (career explore mission) and I managed to land on an ore patch without a survey.  I thought "this is cool, I'll fuel up, hop over to Duna, get the science and come home" .... this was a stock install with no mods so I didn't know how much TWR or DV I needed.  In the end I just made orbit and pushed all the way home with the EVA jetpack.  I think it took 6-8 hours IRL even with a lucky Mun assist.  Now I use Kerbal Engineer Redux and research new destinations.

  5. I concur with Kiwi - it's pretty hard to drink yourself cool on a 45 degree Celsius day over here (Aus).  On topic, I have read a thread where Nova had an idea for the monoliths and other anomalies to reveal another planet (Duna SSTV signal).  I think this would have made one of the best easter eggs in any game I'd ever played.  Imagine if the planet was occupied by the alien overseers of kerbal civilization...

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