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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. When I think of cyborg evolution I think of the Cochlear Implant  for the deaf and new technologies that allow blind people to see (The bionic eye under development by Dr David Nayagam).  Implanted technology can improve the lives of many disabled people and though I see a risk of abuse in the technology (implanted identification, human tracking, ect) it is too important to the lives of disadvantaged people not to pursue.


  2. 2 hours ago, Findthepin1 said:

    Wasn't this mentioned in an article a few years ago?

    I read about it in a science magazine last year - I found newer articles but they were behind a paywall

  3. I think making orbit the first time was probably my greatest moment.

    I knew nothing of orbital mechanics when I first got the game and I have no internet at home so I pulled my hair out for three days trying (killing many kerbals - sometimes in accidents....sometimes as revenge).  This is when I found the forums and my work life has suffered ever since.

  4. @Magzimum  you should continue doing missions in the Kerbin system and quick-save when you get to Eve orbit.  Fear of failure and wanting perfect missions kept me in the Kerbin system for ages and made me restart my career many times.

    If you think you have enough fuel to land and return from Eve then you will certainly be able to get back to Kerbin from Eve's orbit.  This is what I meant about contingencies - my plans rarely go perfectly.  The worst that can happen is you have spent some credits and visited the orbit of the most beautiful planet in the game, got the orbital science and gained some XP for your crew because as you can see - time is not an issue.

  5. Greetings Magzimum and welcome to the forums. 

    I began playing the game conservatively as you are however as my skills improved I began planning for contingencies instead of reverting to previous saves.  My understanding of the game improved dramatically when I started using informational mods that give thrust to weight and delta V readouts in the VAB.  I also do a lot of testing on new designs before a mission.  You begin to get a pretty good idea of how much power and fuel you need to perform specific operations with this information.

    As for the time issue - I try to rescue as many Kerbals as possible to add them to my space program for free.  Once I have a second team (pilot, engineer and scientist) I begin Interplanetary operations with my A team and use the rest for Mun and Minmus missions instead of time warping out to planetary encounters.  This tactic keeps me busy, makes me Kredits and reputation and levels up my Kerbals. 

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